
Semester 2, 2023 Examination Timeframes and Processes

All information about Semester 2, 2023 Examinations can be found here.  This includes all templates relating to examination documents:

Whakamātautau | Examinations

Formal Examinations are specifically identified within a Programme and may comprise of written, oral, and/or practical tests or events. Such identified examinations are subject to Regulations, and a range of Rules and Processes found here:.

The Examination Regulations been updated to align with Te Kawa Maiorooro:

  • 6.4. Conduct of examinations,
  • 6.8. Academic Integrity,
  • 6.10. Access to marked assessments

Examinations Team – Who are we?

We are a small but dedicated team working to support staff and students across Unitec with all aspects relating to examinations. The team provides support with:

  • Drafting the examination timetable and ensuring every exam has a space booked as per academic requests
  • Making arrangements for learners with special requirements in collaboration with Access4Success
  • Ensuring the examinations are conducted as per the Academic Statute and Policy and Procedures of Unitec.
  • Arranging invigilators
  • Safe storage of relevant materials including moderation documents.
  • Responding to learner queries relating to getting copies of scripts, Recount of marks, and arranging resits

Key information:


Learners must be provided with full details relating to examination dates, types, requirements and all other relevant information at least eight weeks prior to the start of the examination period. The examination team will need this information  in order to make sure rooms and invigilators are booked in advance. Examiners should have the timetables loaded in Moodle within a week of the timetable being released.

Examination Question Paper

The examination question papers should be compiled, formatted, pre-moderated and proofread before uploading via the Examination Paper Submission form. Complete the Examination Information Form and upload it along with the Examination Paper.

Retention of Scripts

Schools must return all learners’ original marked examination answer booklets, question papers and marking schedules to the Examination Office. These will be retained for a period of one year. Examiners should indicate 1 x top, 2 x middle and 1 x bottom sample to be retained for moderation purposes. These will be retained for seven years from the date of the examination.

Alternative Examination Arrangements

The examinations team works closely with the Disability Support Access4Success Team to support ākonga with a disability/impairment who are registered with Access4Success and require alternative examination arrangements. This can be done online. All applications will have to be approved by the examiner and forwarded to Access4Success at least two weeks prior to the start of the examination week. Late applications cannot usually be accepted. Application Form for Alternative Examination Arrangements


Re-sits of examinations will be allowed if stated in the relevant Programme Regulations. A learner who has failed a course and wants to re-sit an examination must apply in writing to the Examiner within five working days from the date  the results were published. All re-sits should happen within three weeks of the initial examination. The examiner is responsible for arranging/setting a different version of the exam question paper for all such exams. The Examinations Office can support the delivery of the exam for re-sits.


Re-counts are available for examinations. Re-counts involve only the checking of the addition of marks or the calculation of the grade; not re-marking. A written Request for a Recount form, must be received by Student Central within 15 working days of the date on which the results are published.

Assessment Concessions

The purpose of applying for an Assessment Concession (AC) is to ensure a learner’s academic progress is not unfairly affected by critical personal circumstances beyond their immediate control. Learners can apply for an Assessment Concession (AC) final examinations or other summative assessments. If a learner is approved to sit an examination at another date and time, this should happen within three weeks of the initial examination.

Useful Resources

Link to ‘Exam Support by IT for Computer use

Exam Templates School links 2023

Examination paper submission form

Examination Information Form


Alternative Examination Arrangements Application

Request for an Exam Script

Request for a Recount

Relevant Policy and Procedure

AC 2.0 Assessment Moderation and Grades Policy

AC 2.1 Assessment and Grading Procedures and Regulations



For all examination related queries please email exams@unitec.ac.nz