Assessing an AC Application

Assessing an AC Application

Process for Assessing an Assessment Concession (AC) Application

The APM is responsible for assessing each application and selecting the possible outcome decision. Other staff may assist in the consideration of an application and may make recommendations towards its resolution. If the APM is on leave, a formal delegation of this responsibility should be made via email to a Programme Co-ordinator or Discipline Lead.

When assessing each application, the evidence that has been provided by the applicant to support their case should be taken into account in a dispassionate way. The application needs to be reviewed for its validity. To be considered valid, the application shall be capable of being verified as legitimate and must be supported with evidence.

There are some circumstances under which an AC is not possible, including:

  • If the integrity of the assessment may be compromised; or
  • If an AC would compromise the assessment objectives of the assessment in question; or
  • If the affected performance consideration will provide unfair advantage over other candidates.

Authorised staff assessing applications will complete an AC Decision Register that will be supplied in an e-mail along with the notification of a pending AC application by Te Korowai Kahurangi (TKK). Once completed this is returned to TKK for actioning.

Making your decision

You will be sent a notification of a pending AC for you to process via email. You will receive a copy of the AC Application provided by the student and an AC Decision Register in which you can record your decision.

Once you have read through the AC application, you will need to make a number of decisions. The First Decision is to:

Uphold the application If the application is upheld, a second decision is made to determine the method for remedying the affected assessment (see resolution methods below).
The student is notified in writing of both the success of their application and the method to be employed to resolve their situation
Hold the application Pending completion of the rest of the course assessment items; If the application is held pending, the student must be informed in writing what the potential outcome/remedy may be for their application when the results from the rest of their course assessment items have been completed.
Decline the application. If the application is declined, the application will be returned to the student with an explanation as to why it was unsuccessful. 

The Second Decision is to decide on the appropriate Resolution Method (see resolution methods below).

The AC Decision Register is a table that allows you to note your decision and to provide any rationale for your decision. Please note that if you decline an AC application, you must provide an explanation which will be shared with the student. The e-mail containing the AC Decision Register is returned to TKK for further processing.

Below are some examples of the way you might fill in the AC Decision Register to record your decisions:

In all of the above cases, if the student is unhappy with the outcome, they may submit a formal complaint.

Your Quality Administrator will assist with the correspondence with students and the tracking and reporting of decisions for PAQC.

Resolution Methods for Upheld/On-hold Applications

When a decision has been made to Uphold or Hold an AC application, the APM must determine a method for resolving the affected performance case for the student.

There are 2 main methods for doing this, with variation in each to allow for each unique circumstance (feel free to contact TKK for any advice).

  • Extension of time before the course end date
  • Extension of time beyond the course end date (this must be reported to the PAQC along with a rationale & the proposed end date; the APM should discuss with the Director, TKK any extensions beyond 3 months).
  • Alternative arrangements (see Te Kawa Maiorooro 6.5)
  • Aegrotat grade

Take into account any restrictions in specific programme regulations.

There are some restrictions around the type of resolution that may be used for Formal Examinations.

Post-Graduate Programmes also have restrictions

Scroll down this page to find out more about the range of methods that may be used for resolving any AC that is upheld, or click on the links below to jump to the section that you are interested in.

On this page

Extension or Deferment of assessment (excluding Examinations)

Alternative Assessment (excluding Examinations)

Reassessment of a Course or Courses

Extension or Deferment of Formal Examinations

Aegrotat Pass (also known as a Restricted Pass)

Extension or Deferment of assessment (excluding Examinations)

The preferred method for resolving an AC is to allow time and space for the student to complete the relevant assessment work that they were unable to complete due to their affected performance. This ensures that all the learning outcomes are met and the student has achieved all of the requirements of the course. These are offered under the following conditions:

Extension If the assessment can be completed before the ‘end date’ of the course, then an extension may be given for completion of the assessment by a specified date.
Deferment If the assessment cannot be completed before the ‘end date’ of the course, then the grade may be deferred and a new submission date set. Ensure the student can still access Moodle or other course materials after the end of course date. See Deferred Grades for details.

See specific requirements for Formal Examinations below.

Alternative Assessment (excluding Examinations)

When the original assessment cannot be completed for any reason, then an extension or deferment may be give to the student to complete an alternative assessment.

For example if the assessment employed group work; required specific non-standard resources; or was location based, and those elements are no longer available then the original assessment may need to be substituted. This may also be the case of a test where the answers being made public would give the student an unfair advantage over others by completing the same assessment.

Any alternative assessment should be designed to be ‘equivalent’ to the original assessment to ensure that the student is able to demonstrate achievement of the course outcomes. It is strongly recommended that your Te Puna Ako representative is consulted while preparing the alternative assessment. The alternative assessment will need to be pre-moderated.

Alternative Assessment If the original assessment cannot be completed for any reason, then an equivalent or alternative assessment may be set.

See specific requirements for Formal Examinations below.


Extension or Deferment of Formal Examinations

Formal Examinations are specifically identified within a Programme and may comprise of written, oral, and/or practical tests or events that are usually time-based and site specific. All specified formal examinations are subject to Regulations, and a range of Rules and Processes. For further information please follow the link to the Examinations Page.

Where an AC is received for a formal examination, a student may be allowed to sit the examination at a different place and/or at a different time. This should be within three weeks of the initial examination. In exceptional circumstances, approval may be given by the Head of School, to extend this period until the end of the following semester.

The Course Co-ordinator is responsible for arranging/setting a different version of the examination question paper. It will need to be pre-moderated.

Extension If the alternative examination can be completed before the ‘end date’ of the course, then an extension may be given for sitting of the exam in consultation with the Examination Office.
Deferment If the alternative examination cannot be completed before the ‘end date’ of the course, then the grade may be deferred and a new date set for sitting the exam in consultation with the Examinations Office. See Deferred Grades for details.

Please note: some external examinations may be subject to rules that do not allow them to be taken at a later date, or they may only occur at specific intervals. If this is the case then alternative arrangements must be made. Feel free to discuss these arrangements with us.

Aegrotat Pass

An Aegrotat Pass (Origin Latin, literal meaning: “he is ill”) is an estimated whole course grade that enables a person who is unable to complete an element of a course (such as an examination or an assignment) due to illness, or other significant circumstance beyond their control.

If it is not possible for the student to complete the original assessment, or an equivalent/alternative assessment, then a final grade for the whole course may be estimated.

This option is generally only made available if the Student has completed the substantial weighted majority of the courses assessments, and those assessments are individual in nature. Except in exceptional circumstances, a substantial majority will be at least 80 per cent of the course’s summative assessment.

The following may be applied to estimate a final grade for the course:

Estimated a Mark or Grade Estimation of the mark or grade the student would have gained had the circumstance(s) not arisen. This is usually determined by mathematical extrapolation from other grades in the same course, or from other current or past similar course(s).
Change of Assessment Weighting Changing the weighting of the assessment items completed within the course to estimate a grade for the complete course.

If the mark or grade for the assessment item determined in accordance with the above process is lower than that achieved by the student despite the circumstances, the mark or grade achieved shall stand.

Please note: some examinations may be subject to external rules that do not allow a student to receive an estimated grade to complete their course or programme. If this is the case then alternative arrangements must be made. Feel free to discuss these arrangements with us.

Check programme regulations to ensure there are no specific restrictions for awarding an Aegrotat Pass.


Scenario 1

A student had an AC accepted and a new deadline was given, but the student couldn’t meet that deadline due to another exceptional circumstance (maybe hasn’t recovered sufficiently from COVID).

In this scenario, the student can apply for another AC following the usual process (applying with evidence using the AC form and forwarding it to TKK inbox). The APM can approve another deadline, QA will update the tracker and GradeBook accordingly.

For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi or email us at