Assessment and Moderation

The standard of assessment, confirmed via Moderation, underpins the quality of our qualifications. Assessment takes many forms and can include Assessment Standards listed on the NZQA Directory. Assessment may include the requirement for a student to undertake an Examination as part of their studies. Sometimes students are unable to complete an assessment and may apply for an Assessment Concession (AC) (formally known as SAC – Special Assessment Circumstances, or Affected Performance Considerations (APC)).

Click on the links below to be taken directly to the relevant pages:

Assessment and Moderation Document Resources Library

All documents are arranged in the left hand column by category and in the right hand column alphabetically.  You can also use the search box at the top of the page to find the document that you want.

For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at