Te Korowai Kahurangi – Academic Quality

We partner with Schools to achieve quality outcomes

Our role is to provide support and guide academic quality to schools and support teams. Our focus is on ensuring strong and trusting relationships are in place with all our partners.

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Academic Quality & Compliance

Provide quality partnering support and guidance for continuous improvement for course and programmes.

Assessment & Moderation

Support for assessment and moderation procedures and regulations incl. exams. Assessment Concession (AC)

Committees & Governance

Support for academic governance committees such as Programme Academic Quality Committees (PAQC).

Evaluation, Monitoring & Review

Support and guidance for evaluation and review of programmes, such as Programme Evaluations and Planning (PEP), and Course Evaluations (CEP), etc.

Grades & Completion

Support for processing and approval of grades to ensure that students can progress in their studies.

Programme Development & Improvement

Advice and support for meeting external deadlinefor new developments and changes to existing programmes.

Regulations, Processes, Policy & Procedure

Links to a range of regulations which govern your programmes. We have also produced a page that specifically looks at common Processes and Guidelines.

Unitec Reporting

Undertake analysis and maintain a number of dashboards to allow people across the institute to gain insights into student performance and experience.



Latest Updates


Course Evaluation and Planning


Key Links

Academic Quality Moodle resources


Pages Site Map


Document Library


Quality Compliance Calendar


Our people


Programme Cycle Overview


Tikanga | Processes and Guidelines


Glossary of Acronyms and Terms


If you have any suggestions for items to be included on this page, or need assistance with any of the current items, please contact us in person or email us at tkk@unitec.ac.nz.