Teaching Competencies

Unitec Teaching Competencies

Our Unitec teaching competencies define effective teaching at Unitec and enable us to demonstrate our professionalism as educators in a more structured way.  These apply to all teaching staff*.

>>Teaching Competencies Descriptors 

>> Self-Evaluation Process

>> Teaching Competencies Home Page on Moodle

>> Q & As

>> How were the competencies developed?

*All permanent teaching staff (both full and part time), fixed term teaching staff on contract for 12 months or more. Other staff are welcome to participate with agreement from their manager.

How were the competencies developed?

The Unitec Teaching Competencies were developed with reference to the following frameworks/standards:

    • Updated Dec 2017-Feb 2018 after mapping to and consideration of different documents including;

– NZQA Tertiary Evaluation Indicators, 3 and 4

– UK Professional Standards Framework 2011 (HEA)

– Draft proposed professional standards for vocational educators of advanced standing developed by an Ako Aotearoa and ITP Metro working group (2012)

– Practising teacher criteria NZ Educational Council

– Ako Aotearoa Criteria for Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards

– A developmental framework for teaching expertise in post-secondary education (Kenny et al, 2017)

– Te Noho Kotahitanga

– Te Tatai Hono

– Mauri – Rethinking Human Wellbeing (Pohatu, Taina Whakaatere, 2011)