To help you understand where you sit in relation to each of the Research Competencies we’ve developed an online tool that enables you to do a 10-15 minute self-evaluation against the competencies. This will provide a “profile” of strengths and potential areas for development, which can used as an input into development conversations with your manager and in particular development planning – the D of ADEP.
Click the button below to get started:
A few points to note in regard to the self-evaluation:
- Follow the instructions on screen to complete and submit your self-evaluation – it should take about 10-15 minutes
- We use an adaptation of Pohatu’s Mauri Model to evaluate competency. This is a developmental model which focuses on fulfilling one’s potential through continuous learning.
- You will get the chance to review your results before submitting. Following submission, you will receive an email with a PDF attachment of your evaluation to the email address you have provided.\
- While this tool’s primary purpose is to help you understand where you sit in relation to each of the Research Competencies and what development opportunities you might undertake, it is also recommended that you share your self-evaluation resutls with your manager for use in your ADEP conversations – particularly to inform development planning and goal setting.’
- Your self-evaluation will not be available to anyone else, although anonymised, consolidated data may be available to the Tuapapa Rangahau & Postgraduate Studies team to inform future targeted development offerings
- We welcome feedback and encourage you to send any comments/suggestions to