From a Performance Partnering perspective, the Leadership Competencies are a hugely useful input to development conversations and in particular development planning – the D of ADEP.
To assist with this, we’ve developed an online tool that enables people to do a 10-15 minute self-evaluation against the competencies. This will provide a “profile” of strengths and potential areas for development, which can be used as an input for more powerful, focused development planning conversations.
All staff are strongly encouraged to use the self-evaluation tool and take advantage of this as another opportunity to strengthen your reflective practice.
A few points to note in regard to the self-evaluation:
- Follow the instructions on screen to complete and submit your self-evaluation – it should take about 10-15 minutes
- We use an adaptation of Pohatu’s Mauri Model to evaluate competency. This is a four-stage developmental model which focuses on fulfilling one’s potential through continuous learning.
- You will get the chance to review your results before submitting. Note that upon submission, in addition to yourself, your manager will also receive a copy of your self-evaluation via email. This is for use in your development discussions – it should not be shared further without your explicit permission.
- Your self-evaluation will not be available to anyone else, although anonymised, consolidated data may be available to Learning & Development to inform future targeted development offerings
- We welcome feedback and encourage you to send any comments/suggestions to