
Te Pūkenga Introductory Modules for all staff

1 October 2022 marked a significant milestone in our history as we officially became part of Te Pūkenga.  To welcome and support our kaimahi through this transition, Te Pūkenga are sharing a series of online modules to help you understand and connect with what it means to be part of the Te Pūkenga whānau.  These modules will be shared here as they become available:

Induction for new staff

Kia ora! You must be new here…

We know that you will enjoy being a part of life at Unitec – it’s a fantastic and rewarding place to work, full of great people and great opportunities. It can also seem like a big place when you first start so we’re here to help you find your way around and make sure you quickly feel at home!

Your manager will work with you over the coming days and weeks to ensure you are ready to play your part in student success.

MANAGERS – Use the ‘Onboarding a New Team Member’ process in the Managers’ Toolkit to ensure your new team member has a successful induction. You can find the associated resources including an Induction Plan template here.

In the meantime, take some time to work your way through Your Unitec Induction  – it will step you through what you can expect over your first day, week, months and year. It’s self-paced and full of useful information and loads of opportunities to get connected into our community and our Kaupapa.

CLICK HERE or IMAGE BELOW to get started*

*Note – this document is best experienced using Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer as your browser.  Microsoft Edge browser is not recommended. 

Get involved with our key induction activities:

MANAGERS: Onboarding a New Team Member