Wānanga o Wairaka: Reflecting and connecting with our mana wāhine

Waiata at the Wānanga o Wairaka event

The Women @ Unitec initiative was launched in 2020, providing an inclusive space for women to share their diverse stories and experiences. In the third Women @ Unitec event, a group of wāhine from across the organisation gathered to hear kōrero and waiata, and share some kai.

The group was privileged to hear personal stories from our wonderful Whaea Linda and from some of our Ngāti Awa wāhine who are the direct descendants of Wairaka, including Director of Marketing, Vivienne Merito and Research Manager at Ngā Wai a Te Tūi, Ngahuia Eruera. They also heard beautiful waiata and some of the stories of Wairaka – the ancestress of our whenua – stories about her resilience, her strength, and her connection with the whenua. This kōrero enabled the wāhine to connect with our mana wāhine and reflect on the women in their own lives.

Ngāhuia Eruera is a descendent of Wairaka

Here’s what some of our wāhine said:

“An unforgettable memory and amazing time. Thanks all of you.”

 “It was inspiring to listen to these powerful wahine conjure up the images of this history with their words.”

 “The whole experience was amazing. It made me reflect and connect with my own culture – made me go back in time to my grondmother and mother and how they both are my main role models and influencers.”

 “It is important that our wahine have their own voice and space to operate.”

 “It was inspiring, to remember that the wairua and strength of Wairaka is with us at Unitec.”


Women @ Unitec 2021

Keep an eye out for Women @ Unitec events next year – the programme next year includes:

  • Come, Connect, Kōrero – a regular series of events throughout the year where women can meet in a supportive space to share stories and experiences around topics of interest
  • Educational events/spaces built around learning particular skills (topics to be confirmed, some initial ideas include car maintenance, self-defence, financial advice etc….)
  • Wānanga – spaces of higher knowledge where we can connect with our ancestors and our whenua
  • Initiatives to recognise key dates – e.g. International Women’s Day, NZ Women’s Suffrage Day, International White Ribbon Day.

In the meantime, please contact women@unitec.ac.nz if you have any questions or suggestions or if you would like to be involved in the volunteer organising group.

Scroll for more photos…

Whaea Lynda Toki shares her kōrero




Sana Salem listens to the kōrero










Vivienne Merito shares her stories











Tanya White at the ‘Wānanga o Wairaka’ event




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