Video helps Engineering ākonga achieve better results

Senior Lecturer Babar Mahmood demonstrates fluid mechanics

Practical and laboratory work is a key component of some engineering courses such as Hydraulics/Fluid Mechanics, but over the past few years, lecturers realised that a number of students were missing important demonstrations of the lab-based experiments.

Civil and survey senior lecturer Babar Mahmood approached Te Puna Ako staff member to discuss and find a solution, and they agreed recording demonstrations was a possible solution.

Babar recorded the lab sessions using a TPA high-definition camera, while Howard helped with editing and embedding the lab-based experiments in Hydraulics/Fluid Mechanics Echo360 (via Moodle page for these courses).

The learners’ feedback was very positive and showed the video clips were a great assistance to help them understand the hydraulic principles and also for undertaking and completing the lab-based experiments.

The learners were able to: (i) understand the relationship between flow rate and head for different types of weirs (i.e. a flow measuring device), (ii) draw rating curves, (iii) understand hydraulic jump and its significance, and (iv) understand super-critical and sub-critical flows.

This work is an example of a great collaborative work between engineering and TPA, and hopefully will inspire others to use video recordings to enhance the student learning and pass rate.


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