Unitec wins Auckland Transport ‘Match-Maker Award’ for carpooling app

Cris de Groot and Maja Zidov with the Award

We’re very proud of the team involved in developing a carpooling phone app that won the ‘Match-Maker Award’ category at last week’s Auckland Transport Travelwise Choice Awards 2018!

The Awards which cover a number of categories focuses on celebrating organisations who are committed to encouraging sustainable travel in their workplace.

Creative Industries Senior Academic Leader for Business and Innovation, Cris de Groot initiated the concept with third year Design students, prompted by a ‘brain storming’ session with our Sustainability Manager, Maja Zidov. Her role includes a focus on ‘smart travel’ concepts, which encompasses a carpooling programme, alongside other more sustainable transport options including cycling and walking challenges, e-bike deals and public transport special offers.

The team used focus groups to research their concepts as well as a number of parameters including travel routes and the barriers to sharing car travel. Other carpooling apps were researched but a new build was identified as the best option, particularly from a car sharing and trust perspective.


Some examples of the students winning work, which details the app design

The students, under the guidance of Computer Science Lecturer, Guillermo Ramirez Prado, did the design work and ‘wire frames’ which guide the design of the apps pages. Their work is also integral to us winning this Award.

Two Computer Science grads are already underway with developing the software, using open source code. The technology should be ready to trial in November this year, with a ‘go live’ roll out to all staff early in the new year.

Cris said that other award winners for sustainable travel initiatives included BECA, DATACOM, the Council and Auckland Transport, so he was very proud to be in such ‘good company’. And, in the Match-Maker Award category, there were 18 entries so this really is a significant win! A big congratulations to everyone involved and we look forward to sharing more on this when the app is launched.

One comment on “Unitec wins Auckland Transport ‘Match-Maker Award’ for carpooling app

  1. Donna Cavell on

    Congratulations to the team! What an awesome achievement! It is great to hear some good news. Well done!

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