Unitec whānau share stories ahead of Anzac Day

Matua Hare shared stories of his father at the Anzac day event

Matua Hare Paniora shared kōrero about his pāpā (father) with Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka whānau members who gathered at Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae on Monday morning to share stories ahead of Anzac Day. Kaimahi and ākonga attending the event heard touching tributes from Matua Hare and other Unitec whānau that crossed generations and conflicts, from World War One to serving in present-day armies. Thank you to everyone who attended, Matua Hare Paniora and Whāea Darlene Cameron for organising the event, and everyone who shared their kōrero.

E kore rātou e kaumātuatia

Pēnei i a tātou kua mahue nei

E kore hoki rātou e ngoikore

Ahakoa pehea i  ngā āhuatanga o te wā

I te hekenga atu o te rā

Tae noa ki te aranga mai i te ata

Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou

Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,

We will remember them

We will remember them.

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