Unitec Excellence Awards – Ngā Tohu Kairanga o Wairaka 2021
It’s that time of year when we recognise and celebrate the amazing work that our people have contributed to Unitec. There are 13 categories, providing the opportunity for people across the organisation, in both teaching and support roles, to be recognised.
Gus recently invited nominations, saying “After another year of disrupted teaching, learning and working, we’ve witnessed amazing dedication and innovation amongst our people, despite of and in response to the challenges we’ve faced. Let’s celebrate those achievements and highlight the wonderful mahi happening all around Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka.”
Nominate a colleague or team now!
- Anyone can nominate a colleague or team.
- It’s an easy process – just 300 words (or 700 for two of the teaching categories), but make sure you read the criteria and give examples of how your nominee has met those criteria
- Te Puna Ako are on hand to assist with writing teaching nominations
- You can submit as many nominations as you wish
- We welcome nominations for Learning Advisors in the ‘teaching’ categories
- There is a stand-down period of one year for winners
If you have any questions, please email communications@unitec.ac.nz
Check out last year’s winners and finalists:
- Our stars of the Unitec Excellence Awards 2020 – Pics and more!
- Check out the photos from the day
- Photobooth pics (use password: UNITEC)
- Check out our list of all nominees – our Unitec ‘stars’!