Unitec library continues to perform in top 25% in Australasia

Our library received an outstanding performance score of 82% in a recent survey.

In September, over 2,000 Unitec students and staff completed a survey, which is bench-marked with 29 university libraries across Australasia. Our 82% overall score once again places us in the top 25% of libraries over the past two years. Our library scored very highly in areas such as ‘getting help when I need it’, ‘providing accurate answers to enquiries’, ‘I can get wireless access when I need it’ and ‘online resources are useful for my studies’.

Annette Pitovao, Director Student Success presents an iPad to graduate student Brooke Wells, who won after completing the survey and going into the draw. Also pictured: Ask Me desk assistant Sana Saleem.

As well as a chance to pat our library team on the back for a job well done, the survey provides data to compare our performance with other libraries, and highlights areas to focus on for improvement.

These comments from students demonstrate how the library is enhancing our students’ experience:

“Unitec Library has contributed a lot for my learning in terms of facilities. It is a quiet place where rules and regulations are respected in order to allow students to concentrate on their works. The library Staff are respectful and ready to provide information or give a hand to students re: use of printing machine, find books, submitting assignments for students in need. I can highly recommend the library service to other students because even if you can’t find a material you need at Waitakere campus, the staff will order it from Mt Albert within a short time. Mostly, I like the way they treat all students with respect and dignity.”
(Waitākere Student)

“I really like library services. In addition, when I face any difficulties then ask me desk staff always help me. They are very polite and helpful. They make my day with smile face. Moreover, now i am familiar with online library site which provide us very useful and reliable information. This service is one of the main part of my studies. Thank you”
(Mt Albert Te Puna Student)

You can read a more detailed article on the Library Blog.

For further information, please email Student Support.

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