Tū Arotake – a summary of your feedback and ELT response

Following our Tū Arotake staff event in July, the ELT has reviewed the breakout workshop and post-event survey feedback. The ELT would like to thank you for your contribution and want to reassure you that your feedback has been considered and taken on board. Key themes of the feedback are summarised in the breakdown below.



  • People want to hear more from ELT, either directly and face-to-face, or filtered through managers
  • People appreciated the updates at Tū Arotake from the ELT but many felt that there was not enough detail given and it felt rushed
  • Staff are generally happy with the channels used but want more face-to-face communications
  • Staff would like more detailed, concise information and more focus on the impact these significant projects/situations will have on them
  • Many people mentioned wanting to hear more about Te Pūkenga
  • Suggestions to ‘front load’ ELT information-sharing by sending out the presentations/info before events/hui so people could engage more with what was being shared and come with questions


  • Today’s info sharing was a good start to re-building trust
  • It was useful to hear from each ELT member today – similar approach should be continued
  • Staff are hungry to be kept in the loop of what is happening. Take the opportunity to guide staff on this journey
  • ELT need to come out and actively seek consultation. Tell us ‘this is what we are thinking about’ and ask ‘how would this impact you and your learners’
  • The information was too vague. Don’t know how it will impact me and my role at Unitec
  • More explicit info about next steps: what, how, when
  • Need to unpack info and provide regular updates that are relevant to staff (not just high level)
  • All management sharing same info – be consistent

Suggestions for how to share the information:

  • Engagement sessions with ELT/ Tier 3
  • Quarterly Q&A sessions
  • Managers to filter teams in weekly team meetings – brief, complete info
  • Multiple ways to engage
  • Video snippets
  • Dedicated site/page for Te Pūkenga info

Key topics that staff want to know more about:

Where to from here?

Based on the feedback above, ELT is looking at a wider range of communication channels that better meet the diverse preferences, needs and availability of all our staff.

These include:

  • Kanohi ki te kanohi hui: More face-to-face opportunities to engage with ELT,
  • Greater transparency: A transparent approach to communicating updates – communicating more often and in more detail, initially focussing on the seven key areas identified (see chart above)
  • Feedback on key issues: Setting up more opportunities for staff to give feedback on key issues
  • Information sharing: Working with senior leaders to ensure information is disseminated to their teams
  • Managing change: A new Change team is being established to oversee the change management of Te Pūkenga, so you’re kept up-to-date with progress – more on this soon.

This also aligns with the work our Senior leaders are currently doing in focussing on key topics in small teams, to improve areas across the business that have been identified as needing work.

Keep an eye out for more live chats with Gus.



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