Tūāpapa Rangahau Research Documents

Funding documents for Unitec Researchers can be found by clicking here. Funds include:

Research Dissemination Fund – Individual Funding to attend conferences, open-source publication costs, stage performances, mount exhibitions etc.

Research Dissemination Fund – Collaborative Encouraging and facilitating collaborative research and its dissemination.
Developing a dissemination vehicle for multiple staff to get a research output. 

ECR Project Fund Contestable research project funding – calls for expressions of interest in semester two annually. 

ECR Fellowship Fostering ECR research capability, opportunity, productivity, planning and/or networks. 

ECR Post Parental Leave Fund Support for ECRs after parental leave.

ECR Support PhD/Doctorate toward PBRF Portfolio. ECR work that aligns with the Unitec research strategy, Te Noho Kotahitanga and Unitec’s values. One semester of PhD/Doctorate fees – criteria applies. 

Conference Convening Seed Fund Support to convene a conference – access through Research Partners.

Wairaka; natural environment, history and culture fund Fostering research into Wairaka, our place; the natural environment, history and wairua 

Student Integrated Research Output Fund Support for projects that involve Unitec students, to co-author a research output with a Unitec Staff member. For research dissemination related costs only. 

For information on Research and Enterprise Voucher Scheme (subsidised R&D for industry/community, encourages externally responsive research, gives staff industry experience and builds external partnerships) please contact Research Partner Enterprise, Gregor Steinhorn.

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