Te Puna Ako

Passionate about learning and teaching

Te Puna Ako (TPA) supports high quality teaching and learning across Unitec. We provide the following key services:

  • Leading and supporting Unitec’s teaching policy and strategy
  • Academic advice in all aspects of teaching and learning (general, literacy and eLearning)
  • Professional development for teaching through a range of badges designed around the teaching competencies
  • Direction and support for eLearning
  • Advisory support for programme or course development or improvement
Academic Advisors provide a range of support including:

  • Working one-to-one with teaching staff, teams or other support services on specific teaching/learning issues
  • Supporting professional development of teachers– from New Teacher Induction to on-going development of teaching competence, including recognition through digital credentials (badges).
  • Providing academic advice and some hands-on support for programme/course development or improvement
  • Supporting individuals or teams in the Assessment of Prior Learning (APL) and the designing and delivery of Work-Based-Learning (WBL)
  • Facilitating Small Group Instructional Diagnosis (SGIDs)
Digital Advisors work with staff on:

  • Integrating learning technologies into programmes or courses. These include Moodle, Echo360, Turnitin, MyPortfolio and Zoom.
  • Using digital tools to support student engagement and interaction
  • Supporting teachers to develop capability in the use of eLearning tools
  • Induction, training and support in the use of collaborative teaching spaces
  • Supporting teachers to work with our attendance tracking app, SEAtS

Click here to meet the team and find your school liaison.

In this video, Simon Nash (Former Director Ako) answers questions on the approach to Teacher Capability development.

Click here to read the latest TPA Newsletter or see On-line version here

For more information, please contact us. We are passionate about working alongside staff to enhance all aspects of learning and teaching across Unitec.

DCE Martin Carroll
Manager, TPA Jocelyn Williams
Manager, Digital Learning James Oldfield
APL/WBL Mark Smith
Lead Teacher Capability Development Abha Chitalia
TPA Administrator Judith King
Moodle Support William Lu