Unitec has a range of Dashboards that present data at Institutional, School and Programme level across a range of areas.
These include live results data updated each day from PeopleSoft, official data we submit to the Tertiary Education Commission in January, May and August, and other data, such as surveys, that is refreshed each time survey results have been collated. Dashboards cover EFTS and Applications, use of Student Services, External Research Income, Student NPS, Student Course Surveys, Graduate Surveys, Staff Engagement and our Academic Risk Register, as well as data on Education Performance Indicators (including Successful Course Completion, Qualification Completion, First Year Retention, Progression and Missing Grades) and data on the progress of our Priority Groups. PowerBI licences are available to all permanent and fixed-term academic teaching staff, and a number of support staff. Accessing & Using the DashboardsIf you are new to PowerBI, the short video found at this link will help you access the Dashboards. If you are aware of somebody who should have access, but doesn’t, their line manager will need to raise a request with IMS. To access guides to using the Dashboards click on the links in the Resources section on the right. If you and your team would like to participate in a training workshop please email tkkinsights@unitec.ac.nz, giving the names of those who will attend, what team you belong to, and a proposed date and time that will suit you. You will need to ensure all staff have licenses before they attend a workshop. There is a guide to which Dashboards to access for answering Key Evaluative Questions. These are the six questions NZQA is most interested in for self-evaluative review. Student Education Performance Indicators (EPI) DashboardThe Student EPI Dashboard provides student experience and performance data across our key measures and is based on our official performance data (the same data which we submit to TEC). The dashboard provides data on the following across 2015 – 2018:
It is filterable at school, programme and course level. The dashboard is updated three times a year after each SDR (Single Data Return) submission to TEC at the end of January, April and August. Live Data DashboardThe Live Data Dashboard is an interactive dashboard which allows you to filter data by a number of variables. The dashboard draws directly from PeopleSoft and as such is subject to change as grades are published. The dashboard provides data on the following across 2015 – current:
It is filterable by school, programme and course level. The dashboard is refreshed overnight. Student Course Surveys DashboardThe Student Course Surveys Dashboard provides results from the student course surveys conducted after each semester. The surveys ask students to rate each course on content, teaching, assessments and practical components (if applicable). The data is designed to provide input into School, Programme and course self-evaluation processes. It is filterable by School, Programme, course and class level. The dashboard is updated twice a year after Student course surveys are conducted. Graduate Surveys DashboardThe Graduate Surveys Dashboard provides results from the graduate surveys conducted twice a year. The survey aims to collect data about graduates’ employment or study status, further study plans, current job information and satisfaction with their learning experiences in Unitec. It is filterable by year, school and programme level. The dashboard is updated once a year after data are collated for two surveys of the same wave. (A wave consists of results from surveying Semester 1 graduates in September and Semester 2 graduates in April of the following year). Student Support Services and Library Usage DashboardThe Student Support Services and Library Usage Dashboard provides a measure of the services that students are accessing within the Student Success team, updated 6-monthly from statistics that areas within the Student Success team collect. The data is based on the calendar year with Semester 1 transactions occur in the first 6 months of the year, and Semester 2 transactions occur in the second 6 months of the year. Students are recorded as being in the programme for the semester that transaction occurred. Currently there is no Semester 3 analysis. Interactions with students that are not enrolled within the academic year and semester selected are also not included. The dashboard records distinct students in each programme (headcount not EFTs.) If a student is in two programmes during the semester selected, the dashboard will register the student in both programmes, but appear in the total only once. The dashboard is filterable by priority groups, semesters, and schools. For non-pastoral services, breakdown is available to programme level. Use the tabs to see deeper details, hovering over the graphs provided within each. |
ResourcesGuide to Basic-Dashboard-Navigation Guide to Filtering-for-Specific-Data 2 Guide to Live Dashboard Navigation Dashboards-to-access-for-answering-Key-Evaluative-Questions Saving-and-Printing-material-from-the-Dashboards
For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your TKK Insights Team by email at tkkinsights@unitec.ac.nz.