Modified Programme of Study

Hōtaka Whakarerekē O Ngā Āhuatanga Ako | Modified Programme of Study

A modified programme of study may be created to allow a specific group of students under a specific circumstance to meet the graduate profile of a Programme and achieve the award of the qualification by undertaking a different set of courses from the standard ones noted in Programme Regulations. 

A modified programme of study may also be created to allow transition between versions of programmes, or from one programme to the next.

What it involves

Any Modified Programme of Study must be formally approved by the relevant Programme Academic Quality Committee (PAQC) and must meet the requirements for the level and type of the programme as described in each of the following:

The establishment of any Modified Programme of Study may be considered to be a Type 2 change and may need to be submitted to NZQA for approval. Contact TKK for advice on the nature of your requirements, and also see Programme Improvements page for more detail.

Any Modified Programmes of Study shall include any conditions and be noted in a Schedule in Programme Regulations.

Types of Modified Programmes of Study

Transitioning Students

Transition arrangements refer to those arrangements for students affected by a change in a regulation which differs from the ones that were in force when they first enrolled. They may also note arrangements for changes between versions of programmes, or when a programme is replaced with a new one.

Modified programmes of study which are designed specifically for transitioning students from old (or discontinued) qualifications to new (replacement) qualifications  should be created at the time of the development of the new Programme.

The rule of thumb is to ensure that no student is disadvantaged by the change being made. Current students should be consulted, made aware of and be provided a clear plan to be able to complete their study. All affected students must be provided with an opportunity to raise and discuss their concerns with the Academic Programme Manager.

Transfer Arrangements from other Programmes or Courses

Where courses from another New Zealand or Internationally recognised qualification can be automatically credited against courses in a programme, then transfer arrangements may be established to streamline the administrative process. These arrangements may include a Modified Programme of Study.

Articulation arrangements will be created and approved by the PAQC and must include evidence of the mapping of courses and outcomes. International articulation agreements must be entered into with the International Education Organisation and must be formally approved via a contract. In some cases the extent of the arrangements may be considered to be a Type 2 change and may need to be submitted to NZQA for approval. Contact TKK for advice on the nature of your requirements, and also see Programme Improvements page for more detail.

Negotiated Modified Programme of Study

Under exceptional circumstances, a student may negotiate a modified programme of study in recognition of the following:

  • a specific discipline pathway/interest is not otherwise represented in a single Major of the current course offerings as outlined in Programme Regulations; or
  • a recognition of a circumstance which, in the opinion of the relevant academic authority, requires such an action.

Any Modified Programme of Study is approved by the PAQC and would be designed employing the above mentioned methodology and must include evidence of the mapping of courses and outcomes to meet the Graduate Profile.

Useful Resources


Programme Development and Improvement Process


Programme Regulations Template

Programme Regulations Guidance

Modified Programme of Study Schedule Examples

Relevant Policies and Procedures

Programme Regulations Procedure

Admission Requirements Procedure

Programme Completion and Awards Policy

Assessment of Prior Learning Procedure

Assessment of Prior Learning Guidelines for Staff

AC 1.4 Change and Improvement Procedure

NZQA Guidance

New Zealand Qualifications Framework

Approval of programmes at levels 1-6

Approval of degree programmes at levels 7-10

Approval of training schemes

Accreditation to deliver programmes and training schemes

Consent to assess against standards on the DAS

NZQA English Language Requirements for International Students

NZQA Guidelines for the recognition and award of learning for credit


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at