Learning Hours
NZQA defines Learning Hours as
All planned learning activities leading toward the achievement of programme or qualification learning outcomes
Learning hours are important because:
· They are the total time allocated for directed learning
· They are the basis of our contract with students
· NZQA approval of our programmes is based on the delivery of 10 notional* hours of learning per credit
· TEC funding is based on the delivery of 10 notional hours of learning per credit (i.e., not just face to face time)
*notional = the expected amount of time the ‘average’ student would take to complete the learning activity
Prior to 2018 learning was divided into either Directed learning or self directed learning, with directed learning being face to face and self-directed learning being primarily determined by the learner. In 2017 NZQA consulted on an amendment to the definition of learning hours.
The primary outcome from this consultation was confirmation that students were required to be directed in ALL their learning, and that providers like Unitec are expected to be able to evidence this. This requirement came into effect on 1 January 2018.
Learning Hours and Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP)
One of the issues identified through the IER was that Academic Board did not have sufficient assurance that all our programmes were delivering 10 notional hours per credit. The need to address this concern had been previously identified but implementation of an audit process to support this was postponed due to the Covid-19 lockdown.
Rather than undertake a separate process, the requirement to outline the split of learning hours was inserted into the CEP (which all teaching staff are required to complete). The information gained through the completion of the CEP will provide assurance that staff have planned for the delivery of 10 notional hours per credit. A review of what is learned through this process will be undertaken in the near future and next steps determined.
Completing the Learning hours section in the CEP
For each course, teaching staff are expected to state the number of planned learning hours for each of the following. These descriptions are based on those provided by the TEC
The number of hours stated should be as accurate as possible. An activity must only be included in one section. (i.e., you cannot ‘double-dip’ the hours). For example, if you have an assessment which incorporates a presentation, then the preparation time would be captured in the “Preparation for/of assessment x” while the actual presentation time would be captured in the “Teaching” category. If, in hindsight, hours were allocated to the incorrect category, then that should form part of the reflection and be corrected in the next delivery of the course.
If you are not sure how to allocate specific learning to one of the below, use your best judgement.
Send any feedback to tkkinsights@unitec.ac.nz so that your comments can be considered in the review.
Learning hours description | Notional learning hours |
Including face-to-face classroom time, online, field trip, simulation time, tutorials, onsite assignments, assessments and examinations. |
Work experience
Including time the student spends practicing or learning skills relevant to their study programme in a workplace. This includes a teaching workplace, which may be onsite, as long as it operates as a commercial enterprise. |
Student preparation for, or follow up from, teaching or work experience. | |
Student preparation for/of Assessment 1
(the total amount of time you expect a student to spend on this assessment) |
Student preparation for/of Assessment 2
(the total amount of time you expect a student to spend on this assessment) |
Student preparation for/of Assessment 3
(the total amount of time you expect a student to spend on this assessment) |
Student preparation for/of Assessment 4
(the total amount of time you expect a student to spend on this assessment) |
Student preparation for/of Assessment 5
(the total amount of time you expect a student to spend on this assessment) |
Other: (state) |
If you have more than 5 assessments, please engage with Te Puna Ako to review the assessments for the course.
What happens next?
- Staff may be requested to reflect on the extent to which the reality of the delivery matched the planning. I.e., Assessment 1 was expected to take 10 hours but actually took students 20 hours. Staff should use what they learn to adjust their planning to ensure that students are not being overloaded or underloaded
- Stated learning hours may be ‘rolled-up’ to programme level to confirm that programme approval matches our teaching. If changes are required, we will work with Programme teams to make the relevant changes.
If you have queries about any of the above contact tkk@unitec.ac.nz.