Each semester is given its own code within PeopleSoft.
- 1192 Semester One 2019 (Semester One 2020 will be 1202).
- 1194 Semester Two 2019
- 1196 Summer School 2019
AA: Academic Administrator
These people are the team within Te Korowai Kahurangi who look after processes to do with Assessment. They are based in Building 110.
AAC Academic Approvals Committee
They are a Unitec committee who look at changes to programmes and approve them before any application is made externally to NZQA. All programme changes – Type 1 and Type 2 – should go through this committee. Contact aac@unitec.ac.nz
AAQ: Administrator: Academic Quality
Each Programme has an administrator to support academic quality processes.
AB: Academic Board
Academic Board is responsible for approving what Unitec delivers, and for a ‘quality management system’ to ensure academic quality and student success.
Achievement Standard
A nationally recognised set of learning outcomes from the New Zealand curriculum, associated with assessment criteria.
ACR: Assessment Course Report
This is generated when all course grades have been submitted and is sent to a committee within the School for ratification before final grades are confirmed with students.
Aegrotat pass
A pass granted to a student where, in special circumstances, beyond their control, they are unable to undertake or are impaired in the completion of an achievement based summative assessment.
Ako Ahimura: Teaching & Learning Committee
Provides Unitec with strategic directions and priorities for learning and teaching.
APC: Affected Performance Consideration
An application for an extension of time for an assessment due to unexpected circumstances, such as, illness.
APL: Assessment of Prior Learning
The process by which formal learning and experience is matched against learning outcomes. This includes credit transfer (CT), cross credit (CC) and recognition of prior learning (RPL).
APM: Academic Programme Manager
AQA: Academic Quality Administrator
These people are the face of Te Korowai Kahurangi in each School and guide and advise academic staff and PAQCs in academic processes.
A process of careful deliberation and reflective conversation that is integral to evaluation.
CC: Cross Credit
CEP: Course Evaluation and Planning
All teachers of courses engage in this process each semester of delivery, which asks them to document evaluative work done before, during and after to prepare and improve the course, including recording actions for improvement for the next time the course is taught.
COG: Change of grade form
CoP: Certificate of Proficiency
Course Completion
When a student meets the academic requirements of a course (ie, a pass).
A value assigned to a segment of learning that reflects the estimated student time/effort required to satisfactorily meet the assessment requirements. One credit represents a notional ten hours of learning, practice, and assessment time.
CR: Credit Recognition
The recognition and granting of credit towards eligible courses of study, where prior formal learning aligns with Unitec provision, and can be attributed to formal courses of study successfully completed outside the programme.
CT: Credit transfer
Granting of credit towards a programme or training scheme on the basis of credit for the same courses(s) already earned in another programme or training scheme.
DEF: Deferred grade
DNC: Did Not Complete
A DNC grade is recorded if a student has not withdrawn from a course but did not attempt a compulsory assessment.
Domestic Student
A person who is, at that time:
New Zealand citizen or holder of a residence visa
EER: External Evaluation and Review
EFTS: Equivalent full-time student
The EFTS value is a measure of the amount of study or the workload involved in undertaking a course.
Entry Criteria
Conditions established for entry of students into a programme, which are deemed necessary to ensure students enrolled into the programme have a reasonable chance of successfully completing the programme.
EPI: Educational Performance Indicators
These include course completion, retention, and qualification completion rates.
Formative Assessment
Intended to provide developmental feedback to the student on their progress and enables academic staff to monitor student learning; not intended to contribute to a student’s academic grade.
A person who has completed the requirement for an Unitec award but has not had their award ceremonially conferred.
A person who has had an award granted.
International Student
Any student who is not a domestic student.
KEQ: Key Evaluative Questions
These are questions that NZQA is particularly interested in when reviewing programmes and institutions, and which we use in evaluating our programmes. There are six of them and they ask about student achievement, value of outcomes for students and stakeholders, programme effectiveness in design and delivery, student support and engagement, governance and management, and compliance. For more, see the NZQA notes on KEQS.
L&N: Literacy and Numeracy
It is a requirement of NZQA for students to meet certain levels of literacy and numeracy to be able to study in all disciplines. The tools for this are provided by NZQA. Too access them you need a login. For more information contact tkk@unitec.ac.nz.
LNAAT: Literacy & Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool
The Literacy & Numeracy Assessment Tool is an online adaptive tool which provides information on the reading, writing, numeracy and vocabulary skills of adult learners. It is compulsory for all students enrolled in programmes at Level 3.
LOs: Learning Outcomes
The expected results of learning in terms of skills, knowledge and attributes.
Mātauranga Maori
Māori knowledge in its widest and broadest terms and includes all aspects of Māori culture.
The process of ensuring that summative assessment activities are fair, valid, and consistent with the required standard across a number of assessors or assessing organisations.
NZQA: New Zealand Qualifications Authority
This national body accredits and reviews our programmes, giving us permission (or not) to offer them and maintaining accountability for their development and performance over time. For more see NZQA’s webpage.
NZQF. New Zealand Qualifications Framework
A comprehensive list of all quality-assured qualifications in New Zealand.
PAD: Programme Approval Document
PAQC: Programme Academic Quality Committee
PEP: Programme Evaluation and Planning
Our process for review, based on the evidence, our programme performance, and setting goals for continuing improvement. We are encouraging this process to occur in a context of Āta-kōrero: Evaluative Conversations.
PIC: Programme Improvement Committee
PM/AB: Poari Mātauranga: Academic Board
Power BI
Database/business intelligence used for reporting.
One or more specified courses that must be completed before a student is permitted to proceed to another course.
Priority groups
These groups of students are of particular interest in terms of their success and support. They include Māori, Pacific, Internationals and the Under 25s.
Programme document
The definitive document for each programme, which sets out the authoritative information about the programme including the regulations, course outlines and delivery information.
QAB: Te Pōari Iho/Quality Alignment Board
QAB oversees the institute’s quality systems, to identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement and monitor academic quality issues and trends.
Restricted pass
A pass that may be granted in exceptional circumstances to students where they have marginally failed a course.
RPL: Recognition of prior learning
SDR: Single Data Return
Three times a year Unitec sends learner enrolment and completion information, known as an SDR, to the Tertiary Education Commission. The data is used for: monitoring performance against our Investment Plan; funding and fund recovery; publishing performance information; and statistical reporting.
SSC: Successful Course Completion Rate
Summative Assessment
A formal assessment event that contributes to a student’s final course mark/grade and which has a bearing on whether credit is attained.
TES. Tertiary Education Strategy
Outlines the government’s strategic direction for New Zealand’s tertiary education sector.
TKK. Te Korowai Kahurangi
Academic quality overview and support at Unitec.
TPA. Te Puna Ako
Teaching and learning support at Unitec.
An official record of a student’s study at Unitec.
Type 1 and Type 2 changes
This term refers to two kinds of changes that can be made to approved programmes, but which need an application to NZQA to make. For specific explanation of what makes a Type 1 change and what is Type 2, click here.
When a student has stopped attending a course and has submitted a Unitec Withdrawal and Transfer Application form or has been withdrawn by Unitec.