Unitec Pathways College PAQC

This Committee is responsible for NCEA Level 2 and 3 Vocational Pathway courses and STAR programmes.

MembershipUPC PAQC Information Sheet 2020

Meeting Schedule – the following link takes you to agenda papers and committee documents

Submissions – To present an item at a meeting, contact Committee Support (below).  The due date for submissions is TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE MEETING DATE.

Meeting resources


  • Delegated Authority
  • [name] – Grade Approval Committee
  • [name] – Programme Development Committee
  • [name] – [subcommittee name]

Templates – Any submission should be accompanied by a Memo. Committee Templates

Committee Support – TKK@unitec.ac.nz

Published Agenda and Minute records

Official records are maintained on the Unitec H drive and archived in the OneDrive.

  • H:2. Academic DevelopmentE-Academic Library2.0 CommitteesProgramme Academic Quality Committees
  • Committee OneDrive Link