Language Studies PAQC – Agenda 19 August

Extraordinary Meeting of Language Studies PAQC

From 2.30pm to 4.00pm; Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Zoom meeting
Chair:  Steve Varley
Secretary: Fiona Riches

Meeting resources


1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1 Karakia

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2 Mihi Whakatau | Welcome

  1. [Welcome notes from the Chair]

1.3 Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

That the committee accepts apologies from the following members and acknowledges their nominated proxy in attendance.

  1. 2020 LS Attendance Tracker

2. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

2.1 2020 Interim PEPs

2.1.1 NZC English Language (General) (Level 3)

2020 Interim PEP NZCE3


What area(s) does the programme need to focus on improving in order to improve student achievement in the second half of 2020?

That the PAQC has confidence through its analysis of the PEP that the educational performance ratings given for each focus area (Select one of the following):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended for the following focus areas before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration


What progress does this PEP evidence toward the completion of SMART goals set in the previous PEP? What reasons are known for any delays? Any suggested refinements to the SMART goals for the next period going forward

Progress on previous goals

That the PAQC can confirm that its oversight of the action plans since the last PEP have sighted regular activity toward completion and/or delays where necessary and these (Select one):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended as follows before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission

New goals set

That the PAQC has reviewed the new SMART goals for this PEP and confirms (Select one):

  • they are SMART and will be moved into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • shall be amended as follows before moving into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • required to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission


How well has the programme team demonstrated its capability in self-assessment in determining educational performance of the five focus areas.  Use the attached Appendix 2 Rubric 2 to provide a rating?

Excellent/Good/Marginal/Poor  [Choose one]

Explain the reason for this rating referring to the criteria in Rating Rubric.

The rating is given


2.1.2 NZC English Language (Applied) (Level 3)

2020 Interim PEP NCEA3


What area(s) does the programme need to focus on improving in order to improve student achievement in the second half of 2020?

That the PAQC has confidence through its analysis of the PEP that the educational performance ratings given for each focus area (Select one of the following):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended for the following focus areas before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration


What progress does this PEP evidence toward the completion of SMART goals set in the previous PEP? What reasons are known for any delays? Any suggested refinements to the SMART goals for the next period going forward

Progress on previous goals

That the PAQC can confirm that its oversight of the action plans since the last PEP have sighted regular activity toward completion and/or delays where necessary and these (Select one):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended as follows before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission

New goals set

That the PAQC has reviewed the new SMART goals for this PEP and confirms (Select one):

  • they are SMART and will be moved into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • shall be amended as follows before moving into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • required to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission


How well has the programme team demonstrated its capability in self-assessment in determining educational performance of the five focus areas.  Use the attached Appendix 2 Rubric 2 to provide a rating?

Excellent/Good/Marginal/Poor  [Choose one]

Explain the reason for this rating referring to the criteria in Rating Rubric.

The rating is given


2.1.3 NZC English Language (Academic) (Level 4)

2020 Interim PEP NZCE4


What area(s) does the programme need to focus on improving in order to improve student achievement in the second half of 2020?

That the PAQC has confidence through its analysis of the PEP that the educational performance ratings given for each focus area (Select one of the following):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended for the following focus areas before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration


What progress does this PEP evidence toward the completion of SMART goals set in the previous PEP? What reasons are known for any delays? Any suggested refinements to the SMART goals for the next period going forward

Progress on previous goals

That the PAQC can confirm that its oversight of the action plans since the last PEP have sighted regular activity toward completion and/or delays where necessary and these (Select one):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended as follows before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission

New goals set

That the PAQC has reviewed the new SMART goals for this PEP and confirms (Select one):

  • they are SMART and will be moved into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • shall be amended as follows before moving into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • required to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission


How well has the programme team demonstrated its capability in self-assessment in determining educational performance of the five focus areas.  Use the attached Appendix 2 Rubric 2 to provide a rating?

Excellent/Good/Marginal/Poor  [Choose one]

Explain the reason for this rating referring to the criteria in Rating Rubric.

The rating is given


2.1.4 NZC English Language (Academic) (Level 5)

2020 Interim PEP NZCE5


What area(s) does the programme need to focus on improving in order to improve student achievement in the second half of 2020?

That the PAQC has confidence through its analysis of the PEP that the educational performance ratings given for each focus area (Select one of the following):

    • are accurate
  • shall be amended for the following focus areas before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration


What progress does this PEP evidence toward the completion of SMART goals set in the previous PEP? What reasons are known for any delays? Any suggested refinements to the SMART goals for the next period going forward

Progress on previous goals

That the PAQC can confirm that its oversight of the action plans since the last PEP have sighted regular activity toward completion and/or delays where necessary and these (Select one):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended as follows before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission

New goals set

That the PAQC has reviewed the new SMART goals for this PEP and confirms (Select one):

  • they are SMART and will be moved into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • shall be amended as follows before moving into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • required to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission


How well has the programme team demonstrated its capability in self-assessment in determining educational performance of the five focus areas.  Use the attached Appendix 2 Rubric 2 to provide a rating?

Excellent/Good/Marginal/Poor  [Choose one]

Explain the reason for this rating referring to the criteria in Rating Rubric.

The rating is given


2.1.5 C Liaison Interpreting (Level 6)

2020 Interim PEP CLI


What area(s) does the programme need to focus on improving in order to improve student achievement in the second half of 2020?

That the PAQC has confidence through its analysis of the PEP that the educational performance ratings given for each focus area (Select one of the following):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended for the following focus areas before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration


What progress does this PEP evidence toward the completion of SMART goals set in the previous PEP? What reasons are known for any delays? Any suggested refinements to the SMART goals for the next period going forward

Progress on previous goals

That the PAQC can confirm that its oversight of the action plans since the last PEP have sighted regular activity toward completion and/or delays where necessary and these (Select one):

  • are accurate
  • shall be amended as follows before submission
  • required more analysis and are to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission

New goals set

That the PAQC has reviewed the new SMART goals for this PEP and confirms (Select one):

  • they are SMART and will be moved into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • shall be amended as follows before moving into the global workplan of the PAQC
  • required to be reworked for reconsideration by the PACQ Chair before submission


How well has the programme team demonstrated its capability in self-assessment in determining educational performance of the five focus areas.  Use the attached Appendix 2 Rubric 2 to provide a rating?

Excellent/Good/Marginal/Poor  [Choose one]

Explain the reason for this rating referring to the criteria in Rating Rubric.

The rating is given

3. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

5.1 Important Dates

  • Next submissions due:  2020-08-10
  • Next meeting:  2020-08-26

5.2 Karakia

Ka wehe atu tātou
I raro i te rangimārie
Te harikoa
Me te manawanui
Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
We are departing
And resolute
We are united, progressing forward!


Version Tracking

First release:  2020-MM-DD