Computing PAQC – Agenda 08 October

Regular Meeting of Computing PAQC
Thursday 15 October 2020 – 1:30 –3:30pm
Building 180, Room 3022
Chair:  Gerard Lovell
Secretary: Kaberi Mitra

Meeting resources

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1 Karakia

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2 Mihi Whakatau | Welcome

  1. Welcome from the Chair

1.3 Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

That the Committee accepts apologies from the following members and acknowledges their nominated proxy in attendance.

Link to Attendance Tracker

1.4 Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

That the Committee approves the minutes of the previous meeting on 27 August 2020 and the Special PAQC meeting on 3 September 2020 as being a true and accurate records   

1.5 Mahia Atu | Matters Arising

That the Committee discuss any Matters Arising from the previous minutes.

  1. Matters Arising Table

1.6 Mahi Tātai | Work-plan

1.6.1 That the Committee discuss the Committee Work-Plan:

  1. To be developed from PEP and Monitor reports and responses

1.7 Te Whakahaere Mōrearea  | Managing Risk

That the Committee receive the update from APM(s) to the risk register.

  1. APM to PAQC_Risk Action Report template
  2. QAB Risk Action Tracker

Link to PowerBI Portal

More documents related to Risk Management received from the QAB Chair

  1. Memo_Change to Risk Reporting
  2. Memo _ QAB to PAQC 20200907
  3. PAQC Thematic Report Example Memo
  4. 2020 Academic Risk Summary with recommendations 20200830
  5. 2020 August Academic Risk Summary with amended recommendations 20200830

1.8 Key Quality Dates

  1. Course Evaluation and Planning Report (CEP)
    1. Memo regarding CEP’s in Semester 2, 2020
    2. Reports (Progress of engagement) – PowerBI Portal
  2. Programme Evaluation and Planning Report (PEP)
    1. NEST support Page PEP 2020
  3. Degree Monitoring
    1. MComp and PGDCG Monitoring – rescheduled for Monday 2 November 2020
    2. QAB Memo with Tracker
  4. External Evaluation Review
    1. EER for Computing (Focus area: International Student Strategy) – 21 October 2020
  5. Programme Review
    1. BCS, MComp, GDCMP, PGDCG – Completed
    2. Programme Review Schedule
  6. Programme Development and Improvement Dates for 2021

2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve

2.1 Committee Administration

2.1.1 That the Committee approves the proposed changes in the PAQC membership in 2020

  1. 2020 September PAQC Info Sheet

2.2 Moderation

2.2.1 That the Committee discusses and approves the update to the Moderation Plans for Semester X

  1. 2020S2 External Mod Plan – UG & PG Programmes
  2. New Zealand Diploma in Cyber Security (NZDCS) – as included in item 2.4.1 in Matters Arising, external moderation plan for this new programme is not finalise yet.
  3. Moderation Planner –  Computing –  2018 to 2020 – Planner saved at the following location:
    1. H:\1. Schools\Computing Electrical Applied Technology\Programmes\Moderation\Computing\Mod Planner & Tracker_CS Programmes _2020-06-05.xlsx
  4. Moderation of assessment – information available in the TKK Page on the Nest

2.3 Retention of Assessment Materials

2.3.1 That the Committee discusses and confirms the arrangements to meet the requirement for the retention of assessment materials for the following programmes

3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

3.1 Student Evaluation of Courses

That the Committee discuss how the themes & action plans based on feedback from student course evaluations will be:

  1. Employed into teaching and programme improvement; and
  2. Fed back to student to close the communication/evaluation loop
  • Timing
    • 19 October: Survey invites emailed to students
    • 1 November: Surveys close for analysis
    • 16 November: Course reports available

3.2 2020 Interim PEPs

The committee notes 2020 Interim PEPs for the BCS & GDCMP and MCOMP & PGDCG were revised following reviews by the TKK and final copies resubmitted with the QAB, as required  

Copies are saved at the following locations:

  1. H:\2. Academic Development\E-Academic Library\3.0 Programme Library\B Computing Systems BCS\Quality Documents\PEP
  2. H:\2. Academic Development\E-Academic Library\3.0 Programme Library\M Computing MCOMP\Quality Documents\PEP

3.3  Degree Monitoring

  1. BCS and GDCMP had online monitoring on 22 September 2020. Reports not received yet.
  2. MCOMP & PGDCG Monitoring rescheduled for 2 Nov 2020

3.4 Stakeholder Engagement

Industry Engagement Framework – received from the QAB Chair

  1. Industry Engagement Framework

4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

4.1. Governance Committee Reporting

4.1.1 That the Committee receive the following updates from other committees

  1. From QAB regarding most recent QAB meeting of 19 August:
    1. Memo QAB to PAQC 20200907
    2. PAQC Thematic Report Memo_PAQC-Reporting_SM_20200811
    3. PAQC Chairs Report to QAB July
    4. August 2020 Academic Risk Summary with amended recommendations 20200830
    5. Industry Engagement Framework excerpt
  2. Outcome from the most recent Academic Board meeting:
    1. Memo – change to Risk Reporting
    2. APM to PAQC Risk action report SAMPLE

4.1.2 That the Committee receives the following updates from other committees.

  1. Academic Board Minutes, Site – Te Poari Mātauranga | Academic Board (AB)
  2. QAB Minutes, Site – Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board (QAB)
  3. Ako Ahimura Minutes, Site – Ako Ahimura | Learning & Teaching (AALTC)

4.2. Delegated Authority & Subcommittee Reports

That the Committee receive the notification of the following delegated activities

Grade Approvals Committee Semester X Grade Approvals

  1. NZCITE Grades for the following courses for Semester 2 2020 were approved by the Pre-Degree Grades Approval Sub-committee on 25 September 2020
    1. HTCS4601 Information Technology Foundations
    2. HTCS4602 Web Design Foundation
  2. NZDIS Grades for the following courses for Semester 2 2020 were approved by the Pre-Degree Grades Approval Sub-committee on 25 September 2020
    1. HTCS5601 Requirements Engineering Principles
    2. HTCS5602 Support Concepts and Principles
    3. HTCS5603 User Interface Design Principles
    4. HTCS5604 Quality Assurance & Deployment
  3. BCS/GDCMP – Grades for ISCG7412 Risk Management for Semester 2 2020
    1. The committee notes that grade for the above course has been approved by the APM of the degree and post-degree Grades Approval Sub-committee

4.3. Oversight Reporting

That the Committee receive and review the following quality oversight reporting

  1. Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP) Reports (Progress of engagement) – PowerBI Portal
  2. Affected Performance Considerations (Volume by course, Themes, No. approval/declines) – PowerBI Portal
  3. Resubmissions/Reassessment (Volume by course, Themes, No. approval/declines) – PowerBI Portal
  4. Unit and Achievement Standards (Review of Versions for next delivery cycle) – [link to report]

5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

5.1 Important Dates

  • Next meeting: Thursday 19 November 2020
  • Agenda item submission due two weeks prior to meeting

5.2 Committee Self-Assessment

  • Topic: There has been a request to provide PAQCs with questions to support their self-assessment. The following are provided 
    • To what extent is the PAQC assured that the programmes for which it is accountable continue to be effectively managed?  – Consider the 14 risk areas as a starting point. 
    • Has the PAQC struck the correct balance between planning for the future and reporting on the past?

5.3 Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)

5.4 Karakia

Ka wehe atu tātou
I raro i te rangimārie
Te harikoa
Me te manawanui
Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
We are departing
And resolute
We are united, progressing forward!


Version Tracking

First release:  2020-10-14