Applied Business PAQC – Agenda 09 November

Regular Meeting of ABUS PAQC
10.30 -12.00 pm; Monday, 09 November 2020
Room 115-3045
Chair: Nick Kearns
Secretary: Lydia Pillay

Meeting resources

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1 Karakia

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2 Mihi Whakatau | Welcome

  1. Welcome from the Chair

1.3 Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

That the Committee accepts apologies from the following members and acknowledges their nominated proxy in attendance.

  1. [name]

Link to Attendance Tracker

1.4 Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

That the Committee approve the minutes of the previous meeting(s) as being a true and accurate record.

1.5 Mahia Atu | Matters Arising

That the Committee discuss any Matters Arising from the previous minutes.

  1. Discussed in meeting

1.6 Mahi Tātai | Work-plan

That the Committee discusses and approves the updates to the Committee Work-plan Actions table.

  1. Actions for improvement Tracker-PEPs 2020

1.7 Te Whakahaere Mōrearea  | Managing Risk

That the Committee receive the update from APM(s) to the risk register.

  1. Risk Register report 
  2. Query from QAB

Link to PowerBI Portal

1.8 Key Quality Dates

  1. Course Evaluation and Planning Report (CEP)
  2. Programme Evaluation and Planning Report (PEP)
  3. Degree Monitoring
    1. BBS, GCPA, GDPA          06 November 2020
    2. BBS, GDBUS                  06 November 2020
    3. MBUS, PGDBS               06 November 2020
    4. MAP (PA)                      10 November 2020
  4. Next External Evaluation/Professional Accreditation Visit [programme. date]
  5. Next Consistency Review Dates – new consistency review schedule
  6. Next Programme Review for [programme, date] – Programme Review Schedule
  7. Programme Development and Improvement

The following updates 2021 approval deadlines for Programme Development and Improvement submissions. Strict adherence to submission dates is required to meet NZQA deadlines. The link is: 2021 Programme Development Approval dates

NB: We must ensure that the processes leading up to the submission date are completed prior to the Academic Approvals Committee deadline. This means, all applications must:

      • Be pre-approved by the Portfolio Leadership Group (PLG) (not required for Type 1 changes); and
      • Include:
        • a change application form
        • an updated tracked changes programme document
        • a PID (Programme Information Details) spreadsheet
      • Be supported by evidence of PAQC endorsement
      • Be submitted to

2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve

2.1 Grades

That the Committee approves the following results for BEBP 4007

2.2 Student Issues

That the Committee consider and approves a resolution for the following escalated student issues:

  • No Items Yet – open to the committee for urgent items

2.3 Moderation

2.3.1 That the Committee receives the External Moderators’ Reports and approves the PAQC Response to the External Moderators’ Reports for the following courses for 1194:

2.3.2 That the Committee note the following changes to process:

  • Memo from QAB regarding Centralised Oversight of Moderation Practices – Memo
  • The moderation process no longer requires a PAQC response to the external moderation report but the moderator’s recommendation/s, if any, should be addressed in the CEP by the course lecturer.
  • Moderation Nest Page

3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

3.1 Student Progress

  • No Items Yet – open to the committee for urgent items

3.2 Retention of Assessment Materials

That the Committee discuss and confirm the arrangement to meet the requirement for the retention of assessment materials for all programmes in the school:

3.3 Program Developments and Improvements

  • Updates on the NZQA Panel Visit – MPA and MAB Programmes
  • Updates on new Certificate Programmes – NZCBA and NZCBT

3.3.1 Programme Improvement Applications

That the Committee notes the programme improvement applications, previously reviewed and approved by Chair’s Action and favourably endorsed for approval to the Academic Approvals Committee:

  1. NZDB5 programme
  2. BBS programme

3.4 Graduate Outcomes Data Gathering

That the Committee receive and review the following Graduate Outcomes Data Gathering for the School of Applied Business:

3.5 Unitec Research Strategy 2020 – 2024

That the Committee receives and takes some time to discuss and understand the Unitec Research Strategy 2020 – 2024.

3.6 Grade approval meeting dates

3.6 2021 PAQC Info Sheet (Meeting dates)

4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

4.1 Delegated Authority & Subcommittee Reports

4.1.1 That the Committee receive the notification of the following delegated activities

  1. Academic Administration trackers

4.1.2 That the Committee notes the completion of students from ABUS programmes:

4.2 Governance Committee Reporting

4.2.1 That the Committee receive the Chair reports of Unitec Academic Committees

  1. Te Komiti Mātauranga | Unitec Academic Committee – Report: UAC
  2. Te Komiti Rangahau o Unitec | Unitec Research Committee – Report:  URC
  3. Te Komiti Tikanga Matatika | Unitec Research Ethics Committee – Report:  UREC
  4. Te Komiti Whakahaere a ngā Pia | Postgraduate Research and Scholarships Committee – Report:  PGRSC
  5. Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee – Report:  AAC
  6. Ako Ahimura | Learning and Teaching Committee – Report:  AA-LTC
  7. Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board – Report:  QAB
  8. Academic Recovery Committee – Report:  ARC– No report for September

4.2.2 That the Committee receives the following updates from other committees

  1. Academic Calendar 2022 – Memo with Academic Calendar 2022 (draft)
  2. Programme Evaluation & Planning (PEP): Process Interim Report 2020 – Memo with Report
  3. Student Course Completion Results for Semester 1 2020 – Memo
  4. Enrolment Issues – Maximum and Minimum Credit Values – Memo
  5. Centralised Oversight of Moderation Practices – Memo
  6. Annual Statutory Declaration to NZQA – Memo

4.2.3 That the Committee note the minutes of other Academic committees

4.3 Quality Management System (QMS) Reports

4.3.1 That the Committee receive and review the following quality oversight reporting

  1. Programme Developments – Tracker (Updated:  2020-09-30)
  2. Consistency Reviews – Tracker (Updated:  2020-10-12)
  3. Degree Monitoring – Tracker (Updated:  2020-10-06)
  4. Programme Reviews – Tracker (Updated:  2020-10-12)
  5. Te Komiti o ngā Hotaka | Programme Academic Quality Committees (PAQCs). Memo to QAB
    1. Tracker – PAQC Escalations (Updated:  2020-10-21)
  6. Academic Risk Management (ARM) –Memo with:
    1. Summary Report (October 2020)
    2. Actions Tracker (Updated: 2020-10-16)
    3. Live Link:  PowerBI Dashboard
  7. Programme Closures Memo with Tracker (Updated:  2020-10-12)
  8. Te Pūkenga Updates – None.

4.4 Industry Advisory Committee Monthly Report

That the Committee receive the Industry Advisory Committee monthly report:

5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

5.1 Important Dates

  • Next meeting:  09-DEC-2020
  • Agenda item submission due two weeks prior to meeting

5.2 Committee Self-Assessment

  • Topic: There has been a request to provide PAQCs with questions to support their self-assessment. The following are provided 
    • To what extent is the PAQC assured that the programmes for which it is accountable continue to be effectively managed?  – Consider the 14 risk areas as a starting point. 
    • Has the PAQC struck the correct balance between planning for the future and reporting on the past?

5.3 Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)

5.4 Karakia

Ka wehe atu tātou
I raro i te rangimārie
Te harikoa
Me te manawanui
Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
We are departing
And resolute
We are united, progressing forward!

Version Tracking

First release:  2020-11-06