PAQC Quarterly Reports

Quarterly Reporting from PAQC Chairs to the QAB

Programme Academic Quality Committee’s (PAQC) report quarterly to the Quality Alignment Board (QAB). The purpose is to assure QAB that the governance of Programmes is of a high standard, and also to keep QAB informed of trends and risks associated with groups of programmes. This approach was approved by the QAB on 19th February, 2020.

Managing good communication between the PAQC and its Parent Committee (QAB) is an important part of Unitec’s Quality Management System (QMS). The QAB is required to have a clear understanding of the work that is being undertaken at PAQC level and to have assurance that this work is contributing to outcomes for students and stakeholders, and is compliant. The quarterly reporting structure enables the PAQC to report in a formal standardised format on key quality and compliance matters that relate to their annual work-plan.

The report also allows for a formal channel of escalation for any issues that the PAQC wishes to refer to the QAB. However, it is important to note that this is not the only channel for any such escalated issues.

Report Frequency

The frequency of reporting has been determined to be quarterly. This allows reporting to cover both interim progress against actions and final results and progress against goals. The reporting will usually be March, June, September and December. We have identified months rather than specific dates as an acknowledgement that PAQC meetings occur in their own unique cycles. There is no restriction on reporting and PAQCs are encouraged to report on issues that they feel need to be addressed at any time.

Report Format

Below you will find a draft template for a PAQC report to QAB. It is divided into three sections as follows:

General Committee Health Check – covers general reporting of key elements of the QMS. This section will generally be prepared by the PAQC Chair with TKK assistance. The majority of the elements in this section are only reported on twice per year and are split evenly between the reports.

Quality Reporting – covers reporting on elements such as PEP and any review activity, including Monitoring. The PEP is twice per year with the others being as required. This section will generally be prepared by the PAQC Chair with TKK assistance.

Summary Information & Compliance Overview – are a set of summaries collated and populated by TKK in collaboration with the Chair and APMs. They use existing data from BI Reports. There is a schedule of which elements appear in which report. From time to time there may be a need for the Chair to write a short contextualisation about a particular data set.

It is important to note that this is a template version that covers a wide range of possible reporting elements and it is not intended that each area needs to be addressed in each report. Some areas must be addressed and these are indicated as such, while others are only required if there is anything to report.

You are welcome to report any issues or risks that arise during the year to QAB at any time.

Example of Report Format

To Quality Alignment Board From [Name of Chair] [Name of PAQC]
Title PAQC Quarterly Report for [month] Date YYYY / MM / DD


A brief overview of the work of the PAQC since the last report which may include:

General Committee Health Check (Each report)

Brief answers to the following questions completed by the Chair. These are focussed on the work of the Committee and should include any issues that need to be/have been escalated.

What is going well?

What improvements can be made?

What support is needed (actions required)?

Progress against 3 (max.) key actions (Each report)

A brief summary of progress against key actions from the Action Planner from the last cycle with a focus on how the action has made a difference. This is prepared by the Chair, with assistance from APMs, or provided from minutes of the discussion from the relevant meeting.

Self-evaluation of Governance (March & September)

Summary of self-evaluation of Committee Governance and Function, prepared by the Chair from minutes of the meeting in which the self-evaluation occurred.

Priorities (3-5) for cycle (March & September)

A brief summary of the 3-5 top priorities of the Committee for the coming year based on the specific AQAP related targets in the Committee work-plan. This is prepared by the Chair, with assistance from APMs, or provided from minutes of the discussion from the relevant meeting.

Risk management (Each report – or out of sequence when there is a significant risk that needs to be escalated)

A summary of how High and Extreme risks are being addressed. This is prepared by the APM, with assistance from the Chair, or provided from minutes of the discussion from the relevant meeting.

Quality Reporting

Programme Evaluation (PEP) (twice per year)

Report on the overall quality of the self-evaluation of each programme based on the PAQC Evaluation process.

Summary of high level themes that the review of PEPs provided for the PAQC to consider and monitor

This is prepared by the Chair and APMs based on evaluations and minutes of discussion at meetings.

Degree Monitoring (as required)

Summary of key recommendations and response to report – provided by Chair

Programme Review (as required)

Summary of key recommendations and response to report – provided by Chair

Consistency Review (as required)

Summary of key recommendations and response to report – provided by Chair

Professional Accreditation/Other (as required)

Summary of key recommendations and response to report – provided by Chair

Appeals/Complaints (as required)

Summary of any Appeals/Complaints – summary by Chair/APM based on data provided by TKK or student services. Will include statistics for the volume by course, and No. approved or declined provided via TKK tracker.

Affected Performance Consideration (twice in 2020 only to assist us to evaluate the change)

Evaluation of new process by the Chair based on discussion in committee to help evaluate and seek improvement. To include statistics on volume and numbers of approvals and declines provided via TKK tracker.

Summary Information & Compliance Overview

The following are summaries collated and populated by TKK in collaboration with the Chair and APMs.

Grades (twice per year)

Statistical summary of previous semester grade ratification including resolution of previous outstanding grades – Reported via TKK tracking

Completions (twice per year)

Statistical summary of Completions including Graduation confirmation and any requests for correction of errors – Reported via TKK tracking

Moderation (twice per year)

Moderation Planning for each cycle is complete (twice per year) – Reported via TKK tracking

MOU/Contracts in place for External Moderation (once per year) – Reported via TKK tracking

Progress on moderation (twice per year) – Reported via TKK tracking

Summary of issues/or simply progress of External Moderation from last cycle (twice per year) – Reported by TKK from minutes of discussions in meetings

Student Evaluation of Courses (twice per year)

Summary of response rates for programmes – Reported via TKK tracking

Summary of issues and improvement plans (twice per year) – Reported by TKK from minutes of discussions in meetings

Course Evaluations (CEP) (twice per year)

Completed for previous cycleReported via TKK tracking

Deployed and underway for new cycleReported via TKK tracking

Programme Development (twice per year)

Summary of Programme Development activity for both Type 1 & 2 changes and/or new development – Provided by TKK from AAC records

Industry Engagement (twice per year)

IAC (Industry Advisory Committee) scheduled – Reported via School’s BA

Engagement outcomes plan in place – Reported by APMs/Chair/HoS


PAQC Yearly Governance Information (once per year or if significant updates)

PAQC Information Sheet including Membership information, Meeting Dates and Delegated Authority (incl. Sub-Committees/Working Groups Convener/Individuals) – provided by TKK

Useful Resources





Relevant Policies and Procedure



For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at