Tikanga | Processes and Guidelines

Effective academic governance is about providing direction for and maintaining oversight of academic provision.

Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka | Unitec Institute of Technology has an Academic Board established under the Academic Statute and a number of other Academic Governance Committees (AGCs) which oversee all its programmes.  This model follows the publication from the Tertiary Education Commission: Guidance Guide for Council Members of Tertiary Education Institutions.

Academic Governance Committee’s compose a structured system of rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga which gives governance and oversight of matters related to academic quality and research at Unitec.  The way they work together is shown in the Organisational Chart of Unitec Academic Governance Committees (as at 2019-05-03).  All policies, strategies and major decisions related to academic matters are approved by the committees described on the Academic Governance Committee page.

Te Komiti o ngā Hotaka | Programme Academic and Quality Committee’s (PAQC) are an important part of decision-making at Unitec. The activities associated to with the mahi of the PAQC include, but are not limited to those listed below. The following links take you down this page to the available resources:

Academic Quality & Compliance

Committee Reference Materials & Templates

Programme Documents and Information

Admission, Enrolment & Credit Recognition

Grades, Progression & Completion

Course & Programme Evaluation Tools

Programme and Course Development & Improvement

Stakeholder Evaluation Tools

External Quality & Compliance

Academic Quality & Compliance

Unitec Academic Quality Compliance Calendar The Quality Compliance Calendar indicates key dates for 2020 for a range of NZQA deadlines for quality activities such as Programme Evaluation and Planning (PEP), Programme Development and Improvement and the Statutory Declaration. Key dates for our NZQA External Evaluation Review are also included.
PAQC Quality Compliance Calendar The PAQC Compliance Quality Calendar is based on the individual Work-plans of each committee. Key dates for Academic Quality and Compliance activities are the same for every committee, however the exact timing will vary.




Evaluation of Quality Assurance event outcomes

The PAQC work-plan has been designed to guide the mahi of the PAQC throughout the year for the quality requirements of time based course delivery; a quarterly based programme quality cycle; and ad-hoc quality and compliance activities. Each work-plan is tailored to the specific needs of each PAQC.


The PAQC evaluates the outcomes from the following QA systems according the linked Rating process for QA Outcomes flowchart:

  • Degree Monitoring
  • Consistency Reviews
  • Programme Reviews

Committee Reference Materials & Templates

Academic Policies and Procedures PAQCs are responsible for ensure that quality assurance and continuous improvement for course and programme quality and outcomes for students, comply with Unitec-wide policies, procedures and processes.
PAQC Terms of Reference Details the Purpose, Authority and Responsibility of the PAQC and the Membership requirements.
Delegated Authority PAQC may delegate authority for specific academic quality operational activities to sub-committees and working groups; or individuals for specific purposes. Terms of Reference for all delegated authority is recorded in the minutes of each PAQC to ensure that there is a record of the delegation.
Kaupapa | Standing Orders Kaupapa | Standing Orders are a set of rules and procedures that govern the way that Academic Committees at Unitec are run. Standing Orders are PAQCs are applicable to all committee meetings and, as appropriate, to meetings of subcommittees.
Managing Academic Risk PAQCs are responsible for identifying and managing any Academic Risk for their designated Programmes. The committee applies risk management methodologies and processes to provide assurance that risks are being effectively controlled and escalated to a higher level for further support.
Student Disciplinary Statute The purpose of the Student Disciplinary Statute is to outline how Unitec will respond to incidents or allegations of Prohibited Conduct by Students.
Committee Templates A range of pre-formatted templates have been designed to be used by PAQCs. These include Memo’s: For Approval; For Discussion; For Information. As well as Agenda’s and Minutes.

Programme Documents & Information

Approved and Working Definitive Documents Definitive Programme documents include Course Descriptors, Programme Regulations, Delivery Methods and Resource requirements, Assessment Methods as well as information about the Programme Design, Teaching Staff Profile and Industry connections and support for the Programme. These documents are known as the ‘One Version of the Truth’ and are used by staff to deliver the approved version of the Programme. They are stored in the E-Academic Library.
E-Academic Library The E-Academic Library includes the Academic Committee library which contains agendas and minutes from all formally constituted Academic Committees. It also houses the latest version of approved documents for each programme in the Programme Library, which are considered to be the definitive version and includes the current approved course descriptors and programme regulations.
Programme Regulations These are the rules and regulations governing each Programme as approved by NZQA. PAQCs are responsible for implementing programme regulations and ensuring that they are followed. Programme Regulations are reviewed annually. See AC 1.2 Programme Regulations Procedure.
Programme Handbooks & Information for Students Students are supplied with all of the information that they need to be successful in their studies. This will include information that is specifically focussed on the courses and programme that they are enrolled in, as well as information about Unitec services that can assist them during their time with us, including our various policies and procedures that affect the way that we do things.

Admission, Enrolment & Credit Recognition

Admission, Enrolment and Selection of Students PAQCs are responsible for ensuring that students are enrolled into each Programme according to the requirements of Programme Regulations. Selection of applicants is made by Unitec staff members with the delegated authority to offer places and adhere to Admission and Enrolment Procedures. A list of delegations for offering places is noted annually by the PAQC.
Certificates of Proficiency A Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) is a type of enrolment and is not of itself a formal academic qualification. It is a course which is not being credited towards a particular qualification, such as an additional course surplus to qualification requirements or a course being repeated in the hope of gaining a higher grade.
Credit Recognition Credit recognition includes the award of Cross Credits and Assessment of Prior Learning. PAQCs develop, document, and communicate their own processes for the approval of credit recognition applications and may delegate responsibility for assessment of applications to a working group or an individual. All approvals for credit recognition are documented at PAQC.
Credit Transfer A PAQC may approve formal transfer arrangements where courses from another programme (New Zealand or Internationally recognised qualification) can be automatically credited against courses in a programme, to streamline the administrative process.
Modified Programmes of Study A PAQC may approve a modified programme of study to allow a specific group of students under a specific circumstance to meet the graduate profile and achieve the award of the qualification by undertaking a modified set of courses. Modified programmes of study are noted in a schedule in Programme Regulations

Grades, Progression & Completion

Academic Complaints and Appeals Students can make an Academic Complaint if they have reasonable grounds for thinking that they have suffered an academic disadvantage. If the student is not happy with the outcome of a complaint, they may formally appeal the decision.
Grade Approval The approval of grades is delegated to a dedicated Rōpū Whakaaetanga Aromatawai | Grade Approval Sub-committee (GAC). PAQC has oversight of this sub-committee. See GAC Terms of Reference for details of Purpose, Authority and Responsibility, and Membership.
Administrative Grades If a standard grade cannot be awarded for an assessment item, an administrative grade as detailed in Programme Regulations may apply. Any recommendations for the award of an Administrative Grade must be made in the Student Comment Field in Gradebook.
Assessment Procedures & Regulations The procedures and regulations for assessment for each programme are noted in specific Programme Regulations. This page present Unitec standards for these. Each Programme will determine its own specific requirements for assessment procedures and regulations and these will be approved by NZQA.
Deferred Grades Is awarded as a holding grade where a student can, with the approval of the PAQC, complete an assessment beyond the schedule date. Unless an exception to this is approved by the PAQC, any Deferred Grade remaining on a student’s record beyond a specified duration will be changed to the grade to which the student would otherwise be entitled.
Affected Performance Consideration (APC) Formerly known as Special Assessment Circumstance (SAC), a student whose performance in a summative assessment is affected by critical personal circumstances beyond their control may apply for Affected Performance Consideration. PAQCs oversee the approvals of APC’s and monitor volume.
Changing Grades From time to time it may be necessary to request that a posted grade be changed as the result of a Re-assessment/Re-submission, an Appeal, an Affected Performance Consideration (APC), or to resolve a Deferred grade. All change of grades are approved by the GAC.
Exclusions from a Course or Programme Under specific circumstances noted in the Admission, Enrolment and Fees Policy, some students may be excluded from repeating a Course, or from continuing in a Programme. The PAQC, on advice from the GAC or Te Korowai Kahurangi, will approve any such exclusions.
Repeating Courses Students are generally allowed to repeat a course that they have failed, however this may only be done once, and there are some courses which are not allowed to be repeated. Repeating a course for a third time required PAQC approval.
Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct  Means any behaviours, including Cheating and Plagiarism and any other Academic Misconduct, that constitute dishonest academic practices. The process of conducting a formal investigation is described in the Student Disciplinary Statute.The PAQC, need to consider actions that are aimed at Preventing Plagiarism.
Qualification Completion Completions are the confirmation that a student has met the requirements of a qualification and are therefore eligible to graduate. Academic Programme Managers (APM) are delegated the authority to approve completions, however the PAQC is responsible for conferring an award of Student excellence such as Senior Scholar Award or Honours Pass.

Course & Programme Evaluation Tools

Moderation Moderation plans are updated annually and approved by PAQC. MOU/Contracts for External Moderation are also approved by PAQC. Ongoing monitoring of progress against Moderation Plans occurs throughout the year. See Moderation Procedure and Planning Process.
Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP) Course Evaluation Plans (CEP) are a key component in the chain of self-assessment and academic quality compliance. They provide Teachers an opportunity to reflect on course outcomes and to plan improvements to their courses and to their own development as teachers.
Programme Evaluation and Planning (PEP) The PEP process evaluates the extent to which programmes are meeting their intended purposes, using the NZQA Key Evaluation Questions (KEQs) as a framework. Once the Programme team have completed their PEP, it comes to the PAQC for review. They use the Rating Self-Evaluative Capability tool for their evaluation. PAQCs confirm the list of actions to be undertaken in the next year.
Degree Monitoring External Monitors are engaged annually for Programmes L7 – 10 to provide independent academic feedback on the consistency of the programme and its delivery with approved arrangements; and the achievement of quality outcomes. PAQCs evaluate Monitor Feedback and produce a list of actions to be undertaken in response. See Monitoring Procedure.
Programme Review Graduating and five-yearly Programme reviews are an in-depth, externally informed, evaluation and review mechanism used to provide greater insight than the standard programme evaluation process. They occur to an approved Schedule. PAQCs evaluate Programme Review Feedback and produce a list of actions to be undertaken in response. See Programme Review Procedure and Flow Chart.
Consistency Review Consistency Review ensures that all graduates in New Zealand who complete a Level 1-6 qualification meet the specified graduate outcomes to an equivalent, nationally accepted standard. PAQCs assist Academic Programme Managers (APM) to complete the programme self-assessment as preparation for the Review.
Regulatory Body/Professional Accreditation Regulatory Bodies and Professional Accreditation activities occur regularly for some programmes. TKK Quality Partnering Team assist with the documentation required for these visits in a similar way to Monitoring.

Programme and Course Development & Improvement

Programme Development and Improvement PAQC appoint a Rōpū Hōtaka Whakawhanake | Programme Development Group (PDG) to evaluate any proposed changes and ensure that they continue to meet the relevant NZQA approval rules as well as improve outcomes for students. Each PDG makes recommendations to the PAQC to endorse any changes prior to them being sent to Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee (AAC) and NZQA for approval. See PDG Terms of Reference for or details of Purpose, Authority and Responsibility, and Membership.
Modified Programmes of Study A modified programme of study may be created to allow a specific group of students under a specific circumstance to meet the graduate profile of a Programme and achieve the award of the qualification by undertaking a different set of courses from the standard ones noted in Programme Regulations. A modified programme of study may also be created to allow transition between versions of programmes, or from one programme to the next.
Transition Arrangements Transition arrangements refer to those arrangements for students affected by a change in a regulation which differs from the ones that were in force when they first enrolled. They may also note arrangements for changes between versions of programmes, or when a programme is replaced with a new one. Transition arrangements are detailed in Programme Regulations.
Transfer Arrangements Where courses from another New Zealand or Internationally recognised qualification can be automatically credited against courses in a programme, then transfer arrangements may be established to streamline the administrative process. These arrangements may include a Modified Programme of Study.
Special Topic and Negotiated Studies A Special Topic course covers material that may hold special interest for a group of students, or may take advantage of the expertise of the visiting lecturer. A ‘Negotiated Study’ course allows a student to study an area of relevance and personal interest in a professional context that is not formally taught in the programme.

Stakeholder Evaluation Tools

Student Course Feedback and Evaluation Student course feedback is a key requirement for self-evaluation and an enabler for us to improve our course and programme delivery. It is important that the feedback outcomes are used to inform change, and that students kept in the loop to see how their feedback has been used. PAQCs create action plans at course and programme level to address any concerns in students’ feedback.
Stakeholder Engagement PAQCs lead engagement and improvement activities for the purpose course and programme improvement. Engagement in evaluative conversations about stakeholders’ needs, academic provision and outcomes provide findings to inform improvement actions. PAQCs plan their engagement activity annually based on work-plans.
Industry Advisory Committees Industry Advisory Committees (IACs) are established in each School/Discipline to engage industry who have an interest in a particular aspect of Unitec’s education portfolio. The main role of each IAC is to provide advice on the quality, relevance, scope and currency of the relevant Unitec programmes and to advise on training and education priorities and gaps. PAQCs receive feedback from IACs and create action plans at course and programme level to address any feedback. See IAC Guidelines.
Analysing Trends & Reporting on Data PAQCs monitor a number of dashboards which provide insights into student performance and experience. All the data is available from Power BI Institutional Reports. Each dashboard is included in PAQC Agenda papers.

External Quality & Compliance

Statutory Declaration Every year, the chief executives of all tertiary education organisations are required to make a statutory declaration attesting that their organisation is compliant with certain sections of the Education Act 1989 and with Rules made under the Act. PAQCs support the statutory declaration by attesting that the Programmes that they are responsible for are compliant with the legislated requirements.

This list is not exhaustive – there are other things that PAQCs will need to cover that will come up from time to time.

For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at tkk@unitec.ac.nz.