Delegated Authority for PAQCs

Delegated authority explained

Delegated authority allows Rōpū (Sub-committees/ Working groups), or Individuals to exercise all powers and functions of a Governing Committee. This authority is specified in formally minuted records which detail the scope and circumstance of the delegated authority.

We do this because we believe that it is important that appropriate knowledge informs and adds value to decision-making for particular activities. We acknowledge that the required knowledge may not be present in a single Committee, so we want to be able to involve others in our academic quality processes.

What can the PAQC do?

Each PAQC may therefore delegate authority for specific academic quality operational activities to:

  • Formally established Rōpū (Sub-committees/ Working groups); or
  • Individuals for specific purposes.

Each of these delegations allows either a Rōpū or an individual to undertake activities on behalf of the PAQC. Sometimes these delegations will have full powers to make decisions on behalf of the PAQC, or they may be set-up to advise the PAQC who will have the final say.

Terms of Reference any formal delegated authority is recorded in the minutes of each PAQC to ensure that there is a record of the extent and scope of any delegation.

Every decision and action of the delegated authority shall be:

  • reported to the PAQC at its next scheduled meeting; and
  • deemed to be the decision or action of the PAQC.

A list of individuals and/or Rōpū members who hold delegations, and the nature of the authority is noted annually by each PAQC.

The following areas of delegated authority are commonly used by PAQC’s

Paearu Kōwhiri Tukanga | Selection of Students

Assessment of applications and approval of Admissions

PAQCs are responsible for the selection of students for admission, enrolment, ensuring that students are enrolled into each Programme according to the requirements of Programme Regulations. This activity may involve a number of staff in the School or enrolments team.

To ensure that we meet our legal obligations under the Education Act, selection of applicants is made by Unitec staff members with the delegated authority to offer places. Admission to Unitec Programmes are governed by the Admission, Enrolment and Fees Policy and Admission and Enrolment Procedures.

Tūtukitanga Whakamihi | Credit Recognition

Assessment of applications and approval of Admissions

Credit recognition includes the award of Cross-Credits and Assessment of Prior Learning. PAQCs develop, document, and communicate their own processes for the approval of credit recognition applications; whilst ensuring that credit recognition applicants are provided guidance and support in preparing their application.

The PAQC may formally delegate authority to individuals to act on its behalf to assess applications for credit recognition, and to approve, or make recommendations to PAQC.

Follow the link for more detail about the Credit Recognition Process

Whakaaetanga Aromatawai | Grade Approval

Consideration and Approval of course grades

It is important that appropriate knowledge informs and adds value to decision-making for grades approval. Rōpū Whakaaetanga Aromatawai | Grade Approval Sub-committee (GAC) membership includes teaching staff who know the courses that are being approved best. GACs are granted authority to approve grades on behalf of the PAQC.

Follow the link for more detail about the work of the Rōpū Whakaaetanga Aromatawai | Grade Approval Sub-committee.


Whakaotioti | Programme Completions

Completions are the confirmation that a student has met the requirements of a qualification and are therefore eligible to graduate. Academic Programme Managers (APM) are delegated the authority to approve completions on behalf of the PAQC.

The PAQC is responsible, however, for conferring an award of Student excellence such as Senior Scholar Award or Honours Pass..

Hōtaka Whakawhanake | Programme Development

Consideration and Endorsement of proposals for improvement to courses and programmes

The key feature of making changes to approved programmes and training schemes is a recognition that any changes, no matter how small, effect the programme as a whole. Small changes in one course can have a knock on effect to other courses, or a good idea in one area is missing the opportunity to be used across the whole programme.

In order to ensure that any and all changes to programmes are considered as a holistic whole, a Rōpū Hōtaka Whakawhanake | Programme Development Group (PDG) is formed to consider all changes and to make recommendations to the PAQC who will then endorse the changes prior to them being sent to the Academic Approvals Committee (AAC) and NZQA for approval.

Follow the link for more detail about the making changes to programmes: Hōtaka Whakawhanake | Programme Development and Improvement


Programme Academic Quality Committee (PAQC) Terms of Reference

Grade Approval Sub-Committee (GAC) Terms of Reference

Programme Development Group (PGD) Terms of Reference


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at