Programme Review

Akoranga Arotakenga | Programme Review

A Programme Review (formerly known as a 5-Year Review) is the result of self-assessment and stakeholder feedback.

Why we do it

Graduating and Programme reviews are an in-depth, externally informed, evaluation and review mechanism used to provide greater insight than the standard programme evaluation process. They are an essential part of retaining ongoing approval and accreditation for our Programmes.

The aim of the review is to identify opportunities for development and improvement that will meet the needs of all our stakeholders.

Who contributes

Stakeholders contribute to ensure that our programmes are relevant, current and fit for purpose

  • Students
  • Graduates
  • Teachers
  • Researchers
  • Professional staff

What it involves

If your programme has been scheduled for a review, book a start-up meeting with Te Korowai Kahurangi ( and they will help you with the process.
Three major phases occur in this process:

  • Āta korero facilitation with School to analyse programme
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Self-assessment report written by School

For more information take a look at the Programme Review Flow Chart

Once the Programme Review is complete, it will be approved at PAQC and SMART goals will be created and tracked through PAQC. The Review will be filed in the e-academic library.

Find out the progress and status of your Review using Power BI Uber Dashboard

Last updated: 4/6/2021




PR timeline

Programme Review Flow Chart

Programme Review Guide

Programme Review proofreading guide


Programme Review Response Form

Smart Goals Action Plan

Relevant Policies and Procedure

AC 7.2 Review of Academic Provision Procedure

AC 7.2.1 Programme Review Guidelines

NZQA Guidance

Approval and Accreditation L1-6

Approval, accreditation and monitoring L7-10

Interesting Approaches

Designing4Engagement: Design Thinking in the Program Quality Review Process