Mā te Rangatiratanga
Te Whakaritenga
Te Kaitiakitanga
Te Kotahitanga
Me Te Ngākau Māhaki
Ka tau i raro i te whakaaro kotahi
Hei oranga mō tātou katoa.
Haumi ē! Hui ē! Tāiki ē!
Programmes are the work of teams; evaluation is a conversation we hold together.
As we evaluate our programmes the Māori tohu (principle) of Āta – the practice of deep thoughtfulness – asks us to review ourselves and our work, seeking ever greater quality in content, delivery, strategy, systems and pastoral care, paying attention to people and relationships.
As you engage in your evaluative conversations for Programme Evaluation and Planning (PEP) the resources below are offered to guide you.
Āta-kōrero: Evaluative Conversations
• Āta-kōrero Evaluative Conversations
• Programme Evaluation and Planning_ Why do it
1. Āta-haere: Preparation
• Linked is the 2022 EOY PEP template.
Training Scheme and micro-credentials will use the sections of the PEP template that correspond to value and risk. This will be jointly agree to between the Academic Programme Manager and Te Korowai Kahurangi staff.
• Evidence types and ideas for gathering
2. Āta-titiro: Reading your evidence
• A collaborative review
• Reading your evidence
• Tertiary Evaluation Indicators matching each KEQ
• Glossary of terms_Education Performance Indicators
3. Āta-Whakaaro: Interpreting your evidence
• Interpreting your evidence
• Tertiary Evaluation Indicators matching each KEQ
• Examples of good evaluative comments_KEQs 1-6
4. Āta-tohutohu: Setting SMART goals
5. Āta-tuhi: Reporting on
• Where to from here: PAQC, QAB
The PAQC will rate the self-assessment capability demonstrated in the PEP Report. The following resources proves a guide however more details are in the PEP Template – Self-rating
We are grateful to the Kaihautū and the Unitec Reo and Tikanga Committee, kaitiaki of the mātauranga Māori in this developing process.