Degree Monitoring

Te Aroturuki | Monitoring

Monitoring is process in which we (or NZQA) invite an external academic colleague to review the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes and qualifications that we offer.

Why we do it

We do this because it adds into our Āta-kōrero – evaluative conversations – the voice, perspective and expertise of a person, independent to Unitec, who is highly attuned to the needs and expectations of our particular stakeholders.

Inviting their evaluative insight helps ensure the ongoing quality and relevance of our programmes, bringing life to the principle of Whakaritenga (legitimacy).


The purpose of monitoring these programmes of study is to provide assurance to NZQA and stakeholders that a programme and its delivery continue to meet the criteria for ongoing approval and accreditation.

Monitoring is not intended to replace the actions taken by institutions to evaluate, review and regularly improve the quality of the programmes for which they are responsible.

Guidelines and Templates

The guidelines for monitoring programmes leading to diplomas, degrees and related qualifications at levels 7 to 10 provide detailed information about the process.

Monitors will use the NZQA Degree Monitor Report Template to prepare the monitoring report. This will be forwarded directly to the Monitor along with the required documents.

Monitoring Outcomes

If the monitoring process highlights any major concerns, NZQA may request that Unitec take appropriate steps to address the concerns.

If NZQA continues to have serious or ongoing concerns about the quality and/or stability of a programme or its delivery, it may initiate the procedure to withdraw our accreditation to deliver the programme.

If the programme and its delivery are stable, the institution will be able to request self-monitoring.

Additional Resources

Preparing for a Monitor’s Visit

Responding to a Monitor’s Report



Degree Monitoring Process

Draft Degree Monitoring Rubric


SMART Action Planning Template

Monitor Contract Schedule

Relevant Policies and Procedures

AC 7.0 Academic Evaluation, Review and Improvements Policy

AC 7.3 Degree Monitoring Procedure

NZQA Guidance

Monitoring of Programmes Level 7 and above

Guidelines for monitoring programmes leading to diplomas, degrees and related qualifications at levels 7 to 10


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at