Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP)

CEP 2023

Key changes:

  • Reduction in the CEP length from 44 to 16 questions
  • Focus on evaluative questions leading to course improvements
  • No requirement to engage with the CEP before the course begins or during the course
  • CEPs should be completed after all assessments have been marked and moderated
  • CEPs should be submitted within one week of grade ratification

Click on this link to access the CEP

If you are new to using the CEP PowerApp, this PowerPoint CEP guide will help step you through the process.

If you need to navigate the Live dashboard to find the data for your CEP, click here for guidance.

TIPS for using the CEP PowerApp:

1 Use Chrome as the browser.

2 Click on the link below & ALLOW access to the list of Microsoft products. If any of the connections need fixing, STOP, click FIX CONNECTION then click ALLOW.

3 Once you see the CEP landing page, bookmark the link for easy access throughout the year.

Note: The CEP data will be visible to all Unitec Power BI license holders so it is important that individual names of staff and/or students are not mentioned in the CEP for privacy reasons.

When the CEP is submitted, a PDF version can be emailed to the Course Co-ordinator listed in the report. After the CEP is submitted, there is ‘view only’ access, but the PDF request function is still active.

Save a PDF version of it for yourself and also save it in your Programme’s CEP folder (e.g., H: Schools/Programme/Course Evaluation Planning (CEP)/Semester number

Course Evaluation Plans (CEP) are a key component in the chain of self-assessment and academic quality compliance. They provide teachers an opportunity to reflect on course outcomes and to plan improvements to their courses and to their own development as teachers.

Who it involves

All teachers who are responsible for courses and outcomes are involved in Course Evaluation Planning. Evidence is gathered from a wide range of internal and external inputs, and evaluated by the teacher as the course progresses.

Course reports provide Academic Programme Managers with rich information about the component parts (courses) which form part of their programmes.

What it involves

Course Evaluation Plans (CEP) are a living process that begins before your course is taught (as you reflect upon improvements you have made since its last delivery and conduct pre-moderation), continues through its delivery, and is completed at its end as you note what lessons in design, teaching, student engagement and learning have been learned and what changes will benefit this course into the future.

As the Kaitiaki (guardian) of the knowledge that is taught in your course the CEP offers a more formal way to record your evaluation and improvements, which can be discussed with your Academic Programme Manager (APM)/Programme Co-ordinator (PC) and feed valuable information into the teaching team’s understanding of your programme overall. It is very useful for evidence for the Programme Evaluation Planning (PEP) and āta-kōrero.

How it connects

The CEP is designed to flow core academic quality evaluation and planning seamlessly between Course level, Programme level and School level reporting of Educational Performance, Academic Compliance and Capability in Self-assessment.





Guidelines for finding CEP data on Live Dashboard

CEP app – PowerApps


Relevant Policy and Procedures

AC 7.0 Academic Evaluation, Review, and Improvements Policy

AC 7.1 Student Evaluation of Courses and Teaching Procedure

AC 7.2 Review of Academic Provision Procedure


For assistance with any of the items on this page contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi Administrator or email us at