Action Planning

SMART action planning incorporates the five characteristics of a goal:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

The linked SMART Action Planning template can be used for various evaluation events that are reported to Programme Academic Quality Committees (PAQCs).  The events include:

Action planning is a critical activity to ensure that goals are achieved.  A generic action planning template has been adopted for various events that are reported to Programme Academic Quality Committees (PAQCs).  The events include:

  • Assuring consistency
  • Monitoring
  • Five-year programme review
  • Programme Evaluation and Planning
  • Professional accreditation reviewThe template has an example of how to complete SMART actions.  The linked presentation SMART Goals for effective Āta supports the template use. 
Tip: Take 15 minutes of your PAQC hui and go through the presentation and template.

If you require assistance in creating your SMART actions then please contact your Te Korowai Kahurangi support person.