Our Services

Subject Librarians

List of Subject Librarians 

Each department has a dedicated librarian, who acts as a link between the library and the department’s academic staff.

eLearning / Moodle

Some of the library’s databases allow you to link to resources directly from Moodle.  Please check the Copyright Guide for information about Copyright for educational use. We are happy to assist you in getting the right resources to your students via Moodle.

Contact your Subject Librarian or email the team at libinfo@unitec.ac.nz

Research support

There are a number of ways the library supports researchers at Unitec beyond the obvious provision of our print and electronic resources. Our librarians have significant experience in your subject areas, and are experts in finding information. We advise you to discuss your research with your Subject Librarian early in the research process so we can maximise our ability to assist you.

For a full list of research services go to Services for staff

Course resource reading lists

Course resources

Information resources are vital for all courses. We are happy to work with you in creating up-to-date resource lists of appropriate resources for your course.   Contact the Subject Librarian for your area.

For information about Course Reserve (short loan) see Services for staff – Course Reserve (Short Loan)

Information about the Library

Any information you disseminate about the library must be current and appropriate for its intended audience.

Contact the Unitec Director of Student Success when you need information about the Library to add to any Unitec publications like handbooks, course documents, or for accreditation or review panels.