Te Tiriti based co-leadership update – Pou Hautu role endorsed

The journey towards establishing a Te Tiriti based co-leadership model across Unitec and MIT has taken a significant step forward. The Unitec and MIT Boards are now ready to begin recruiting for a Pou Hautu (Māori co-leader) who will work in partnership with our Chief Executive and the Executive Leadership team.

The collective input of staff, students and stakeholders throughout this process has played an integral part in securing the endorsement of the Boards and Te Pūkenga Council for a Te Tiriti based leadership model which champions mana ōrite (equality), this position is the first of its kind in tertiary education in Aotearoa.

The Pou Hautu story

The title Pou Hautu (Māori Co-leader) was a koha to this kaupapa which reflects the dedicated pillar of support this role will provide for Māori across both institutions.

Pou Hautu is the result of the combined contribution of Te Tira Kāpuia, the MIT Rūnanga, Te Roopū Mataara, Te Tawharau, Rāhui Papa, Ted Ngataki, Papa Hōhepa, Matua Vince Hapi and Matua Hare Paniora.

Unitec and MIT’s whakapapa, whenua, values and mātauranga of rangatira from the past and present enriched the development process.

Matua Hare Paniora and MIT kaumatua, Vince Hapi shared elements considered in establishing the title.

POU exemplifies a pillar of strength, championing the values of MIT and Unitec in alignment with the Kiingitanga, Tāmaki Herenga Waka and mana whenua.

HAU represents the responsibility of considering and maintaining the vitality of all people impacted by their decision making.

TU represents the importance of nurturing and continuing to foster new connections and relationships.

Consultation Process and Position Description

Below are the links to the position description, timeline and the recruitment process for the Pou Hautu role. As we know this is a critical role to both MIT and Unitec and we are committed to seeking feedback on the position description.

It is important, just as it was when we first proposed the co-leadership option and sought feedback on this, that people have an opportunity to review this information and provide feedback.

Pou Hautu Position Description
Timeline and Recruitment Process

All feedback will be collated through the two institutes’ People and Culture teams and then compiled into one document to be provided to the MIT/Unitec Board’s Chief Executive People and Culture Committee. They will review the feedback and make any final adjustments to the position description.

The Boards are aiming to have the recruitment process concluded by the end of the year. They have engaged Amy Tea Consulting to assist with recruitment process.

There will be one week’s consultation on the position description. If you would like to provide feedback please ensure it is sent to  human.resources@unitec.ac.nz no later than 11am Monday 18 October.

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