Te Pūkenga update including vacancies

Update from Stephen Town, Chief Executive, Te Pūkenga

Kia ora koutou

Last week I spent the day with the Chairs and Chief Executives of Te Pūkenga subsidiaries. It was a great opportunity to provide updates on key areas of work, get direct feedback and continue to build a network of connection and best practice. We’re all on this journey together and we’ll do well by connecting and sharing. I know many of our people have set up regular network meetings for their mahi and I encourage those involved to contribute openly through these.

Engaging with subsidiaries: Kōtui kōrero – a conversation with Te Pūkenga
As part of our ongoing commitment to engage with you, the sector, iwi, learners and employers, our leadership team will be co-hosting Kōtui kōrero – a conversation with Te Pūkenga to talk with subsidiary people and learners across Aotearoa beginning in mid-June. Each session will include an update on the mahi from the last six months and an idea of our priorities for the next six months. We’re looking forward to connecting with you during this series.  You can see all the details and register your interest to attend on our website.

Engaging with TITOs
I am looking to set up face-to-face meetings in July with our TITO leaders and staff, starting with those transitioning this year to Te Pūkenga.
Our Deputy Chief Executive, Employer Journey and Experience, Warwick Quinn, will be heading out to talk to industry and employers about the operating model around the same time. This will be an important step in the ongoing process to ensure our thinking aligns with the unique needs of employers.
Our team will be in touch over the next few weeks as we put arrangements in place.

Aromātai Kaimahi
You will have seen our network-wide people survey Aromātai Kaimahi was sent out this week. The survey runs for two weeks and includes 12 agree/disagree questions. We intend to run the survey twice a year to check in with how our people are feeling. The survey was first run in October 2020.  I encourage all staff across the network to use the survey to let us know what they think and feel about the change happening. This is an important tool that lets my team and I know how we are tracking with Te Pūkenga whānau across the network.   Our wider network of TITO people will be included in later surveys, if and when they transition to the work-based learning subsidiary.

All of these opportunities are about creating space for input from a broad range of people. We want to know what we’re getting right, what you think the impact of ideas would be and what we haven’t thought about yet. The more people who help us test our thinking, the more likely we are to meet the needs of learners and employers.

Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Chief Executive
Te Pūkenga

Kia ora koutou

I tērā wiki i huitahi mātou ko ngā Heamana me ngā Kaiwhakahaere Matua o ā Te Pūkenga āpitihanga. Ka nui te pai o te whai wāhi ki te kōrero ki a rātou mō ngā wāhanga matua o ngā mahi me te rongo i ō rātou whakaaro, te hanga kōtuinga me ētahi tikanga o te mahi pai rawa. Kei runga tātou katoa i te waka kotahi, ka mutu he mea pai kia tūhonohono, kia tuari whakaaro hoki. Mohio hoki au e maha ana ō tātou tāngata kua whakarite hui kōtuinga mō ā rātou mahi, ā, ko tāku he akiaki tonu i a koutou e whai wāhi ana ki aua hui kia kaha tonu te whakaputa i ō koutou whakaaro.

Te whakaanga ki ngā āpitihanga: Kōtui kōrero – he whakawhiti kōrero me Te Pūkenga:
I runga i te ngākaunui ki te whakaanga tonu ki a koutou, te rāngai, ngā iwi, ngā ākonnga me ngā kaitukumahi, ka whakahaeretia e tā mātou tīma kaiarataki Kōtui kōrero – he whakawhiti kōrero me Te Pūkenga, arā, he whai wā ki te whakawhiti kōrero me ngā tāngata o ngā āpitihanga me ngā ākonga puta noa i Aotearoa hei te puku o Hune. Ki ia hui, ka kōrerotia ngā kōrero hou e pā ana ki ngā mahi kua tutuki i ngā marama e ono ka hori, me ō mātou whakaaro e pā ana ki ngā mahi mātāmua mō te ono marama kei te tū mai. E tāria ana te wā e huitahi ai mātou me koutou i roto i ngā hui nei.  Mō ngā taipitopito katoa me te huarahi rēhita māu, tirohia.

Te huitahi me ngā TITO:
E whai ana ahau ki te whakarite hui kanohi-ki-te-kanohi ā te marama o Hūrae me ā tātou kaiarahi TITO me ngā kaimahi, mātua ko ērā e whakawhiti ana ki Te Pūkenga i tēnei tau.
Hei taua wā anō, ka puta atu tā mātou Kaiwhahaere Mātāmuri mō ngā Kaitukumahi, a Warwick Quinn ki te kōrero ki ngā ahumahi me ngā kaitukumahi katoa mō te tauira whakahaere. He wāhanga nui tēnei o te tukanga e haere ake ana e mātua whakarite ai kia hāngai ō mātou whakaaro ki ngā hiahia ake o ngā kaitukumahi. Ka whakapā atu tā mātou tīma ā ngā wiki kei te tū mai ki te whakariterite i ngā hui.

Aromātai Kaimahi:
Kāore e kore kua kite koutou i tēnei wiki i tukua atu ai tā mātou uiuinga ki te kōtuinga whānui, arā, Aromātai Kaimahi. E haere ana tēnei uiuinga mō ngā wiki e rua, kei roto rā ōna pātai whakaae/kore whakaae 12. Ko te hiahia ia ko te whakahaeretia tēnei uiuinga e rua ngā wā i te tau kia mōhio ki ngā whakaaro o ā tātou tāngata. I whakahaeretia tautahitia te uiuinga i te Oketopa 2020. Ko tāku he akiaki i ngā kaimahi katoa puta noa i te kōtuinga ki te whakamahi i te uiuinga kia mōhio ai mātou i ō koutou whakaaro, āwangawanga rānei e pā ana ki tēnei hurihanga nui. Mā tēnei taputapu whai tikanga e mōhio ai mātou ko taku tīma he pēhea nei te haere me te whānau ui whānui o Te Pūkenga puta noa i te kōtuinga. Ka whai wāhi mai te hunga TITO ki ēnei uiuinga ā tōna wā, ina whakakwhiti ana rātou ki te āpitihanga aro-mahi.

Katoa ēnei huarahi he tukanga e whai wāhi ai te whānuitanga o ngā tāngata ki te tuku whakaaro mai. Kei te hiahia mātou kia mōhio kei te ara tika mātou e haere ana, he aha ō whakaaro ki ngā kaupapa e puta ake ana, kia mōhio anō hoki ki ngā mea tērā pea kāore i whakaarohia e mātou. Kia maha ngā tāngata e wero mai ana, kia whakamātauria ō mātou whakaaro, ka mōhio anō mātou mēnā ka whakatutuki mātou i ngā hiahia o ngā ākonga me ngā kaitukumahi, kāore rānei.

Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua
Te Pūkenga


Transformation Programme updates

The latest news and updates from our Transformation Programme is shared on our website. Recent highlights include:

Kōtui Kōrero – a conversation with Te Pūkenga

Te Pūkenga Leadership Team are looking forward to heading out across the motu with an update shortly.

These updates will be co-hosted with subsidiaries and will provide an opportunity for many of you to connect directly with Te Pūkenga leadership and to hear about the work to date, what’s next and to provide your feedback.

During these updates we will share more detail on our mahi to date, including the development of the operating model, and speak to what’s coming next.

We recognise that each local date won’t suit everyone, so will run two online sessions which anyone will be welcome to join.

The calendar of dates and locations is below and more detail will be shared on our website. Please visit the website to register your interest to attend your local update.

Engaging with primary sector leaders

We’re continuing to progress significant activity to connect employers into our work. As part of this members of our executive team are looking forward to hosting a business breakfast as part of the 2021 Fieldays in the Waikato in June. As the largest agricultural event in the southern hemisphere, the event will allow us to engage specifically with agribusiness and related industries.

Coinciding with the Kōtui Kōrero series taking place across the country, Fieldays offers the ideal opportunity to update primary sector leaders on how Te Pūkenga will be supporting employers to nurture their staff through vocational education pathways.

Academic regulations

The draft Te Pūkenga Academic Regulations will be going out for feedback in early June.

“The Regulations provide the overarching framework to deliver quality teaching, research, learning, and support the activities of our learners,” Deputy Chief Executive Delivery and Academic, Dr Angela Beaton says.

“They provide the framework for teaching, learning and assessment throughout Te Pūkenga so we can support the integrity and quality of qualifications and educational outcomes for our learners.”

Keep an eye on our website for how you can contribute online. We will also be running a series of face-to-face sessions throughout June and July so we can hear from you.

Vacancies at Te Pūkenga

Visit the ‘work with Te Pūkenga’ page to see the latest vacancies, including:

  • Academic and Delivery Secondments
    • Academic Lead Māori
    • Capability Co-Lead (Mātauranga Māori)
    • Academic Governance Coordinator
  • Academic and Delivery Project roles
    • Kaihautu – Workstream Co-Lead (x7)
    • Workstream Group Member (x2)
  • Executive Assistant (x2)
  • Administrator (x3)

Expressions of Interest close on 4 and 6 June 2021 as noted within adverts.  Any enquiries or questions please feel free to contact lauren.king@tepukenga.ac.nz


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