Te Pūkenga Consultation: Academic Regulations

Te Pūkenga recently released the latest draft version of their proposed Academic Regulations. These Regulations will apply to all teaching, research, learning, and support activities delivered by and on behalf of Te Pūkenga and applies to all learners, staff, and contractors of the institute. This means that Unitec will be required to adopt these Academic Regulations when we formally become part of Te Pūkenga. We have an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing development of these Regulations by providing feedback by 30 July 2021.

This will be of particular interest to those of you who work with Academic Regulations (Teachers, Academic Leaders and Managers, Student and Programme Support Services). The outcome of this consultation will have implications for the way learning, teaching and assessment is managed at Unitec and across the Te Pūkenga network.

See below opportunities to give feedback, either through a survey or at a hui. Your feedback will contribute to Unitec’s response.

The main elements of the proposal that will be of interest to you will be those things that are different to what we currently do. Unfortunately the draft Academic Regulations are a bit light on detail and in most places refer to ‘procedures’ which have yet to be released or consulted on. That said, these Academic Regulations create a framework under which we will work as we move into the future. Currently there is no advice on when we must adopt these Academic Regulations.


These Academic Regulations sit above and inform individual Unitec Programme Regulations. Below are some highlighted areas of difference:

1.5      Te Pae Tawhiti –Te Tiriti Excellence Framework explains Te Pūkenga’s approach to ensuring Inclusivity, Equity and Te Tiriti partnerships and the integration of mātauranga Māori

1.6      Learner Rights and Responsibilities adds new definitions

4.2      Programme Regulations notes that local Programme Regulations “cannot amend or over-ride these Regulations except where there are particular requirements from an external regulatory or standard setting body”

5.6      Refusal or Cancellation of Enrolment details why we would refuse or cancel an enrolment

5.9      Withdrawal defines the circumstances under which we may withdraw a learner without their permission – see also 6.1 Learner Participations and Progress

6.1      Learner Participation and Progress implies that need robust systems for recording and evidencing poor learner performance to support any decision to withdraw a student

6.2      Learner Workloads implies that we must adopt better systems to support and publicise arrangements for learner workloads

7.0      Assessment suggests that the number and types of assessment in a programme will be specified in Programme Regulations

7.11    Reassessment of Courses defines a process of allowing students to be reassessed at course level

7.12    Reconsideration of Assessment Decisions allows for students to request grade reconsideration for any assignment

7.16    Competency Based Assessment defines a graded four point, or an ungraded two-point competency assessment system. Removes our three-point system.

7.17    Achievement Based Assessment replaces our current 4-point or 11-point systems with a 5-point achievement based system.


How can I contribute to this consultation?

  • Attend the hui with Te Pūkenga on Thursday 1 July to hear more from Angela Beaton – DCE Delivery and Academic. You can ask questions and provide your feedback on the day.
  • Read the consultation document on the Nest Te Pūkenga consultation page. You can give your feedback by reading through the consultation documentation and participating in any of the following:

Consultation Hui

Waitākere campus:

  • Tuesday 29 June – 2.30pm – 4pm, B510-3009

Mt Albert campus:

  • Tuesday 6 July – 11.30am – 1pm, B180-2045

Teams on-line hui:

  • Monday 28 June – 1pm – 2.30pm – (Link for meeting available on Nest page)
  • Friday 9 July – 9am – 10.30am – (Link for meeting available on Nest page)

Other specific hui with support teams will also be arranged to provide targeted feedback.

The final date for feedback to inform the Unitec response to the consultation is Friday 16 July 2021.

Feedback collected via the survey and the hui will be used to inform the final Unitec feedback submission on the draft Academic Regulations.



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