Take it easy! Tips for returning to work

Ngā mihi o te tau hou, nau mai, hoki mai. Happy New Year and welcome back.

It’s already the third week of January and many Unitec whānau have already returned to work, or will be over the coming weeks. However, this is not the usual Christmas break return after four months of lockdown and a brief time of work before the end of the year. We compiled some tips for you to help the transition out of lockdown and holiday mode and back into work mode.

  • Expect an adjustment period. Lockdowns affect people in different ways and, as we move into a mix of home and office work again, it will take time to readjust so if you need to, discuss with your managers and colleagues any concerns you have. We have all been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, and you may have been ill yourself, suffered a loss, or felt isolated and overwhelmed. Talking and connecting with your team is important, or reach out for access to the Employer Assistance Programme if needed.
  • Plan and Prepare. What do you need to work at home and on campus under current protocols? Information about our Covid-19 Protection Framework Protocols here. If you need to take equipment home for hybrid working or in case of another lockdown, you can request it here.
  • Take it easy. As much as we want it, things won’t be retuning to normal anytime soon. We will most likely continue to have hybrid working for some time and changes in alert levels. Look out for yourselves and others and take each day as it comes.
  • Have regular check-ins with yourself, your managers and your teams. Ask how am I coping, how are others coping and are there any issues we need to address?
  • Have a return-to-work check in with your managers. Identify any work priorities and raise any concerns you may have around working on campus or from home.

Hopefully we will see more of you on campus from next week or online if working from home. 2022 will still have challenges, but Unitec whānau have proven over the past two years their commitment and passion for their roles and our ākonga. Welcome back!


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