New Wellbeing programme underway – something for everyone!

Get connected and involved    The new Wellbeing programme is up and running with a great range of opportunities for you to get away from your desk, get connected and involved, and to take care of yourself! This new programme focuses on a ‘well you’ and captures the key actions from the Mental Health Foundation’s ‘five… Read more »


Making our kitchens more sustainable

Part of taking care of our people and our place means making better choices and creating a sustainable environment. With this in mind our Sustainability and Procurement team recently did a review of our staff kitchen supplies to explore how we can ensure we’re choosing the most sustainable options. They also looked at where they… Read more »


Shaping our Wellness programme survey – what you told us

In March we sent you a survey asking for your input on what you’d like to see in our Wellness programme for 2018 and beyond. The survey, facilitated by Business Intelligence, had an excellent response rate of nearly 50%. The team feel they now have a “…Goldmine of information” to shape their Wellness programme and have… Read more »

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Flag a shuttle – save on commuting costs and avoid the traffic!

We’ve made some changes to our campus shuttle service – you can now flag our shuttle down anywhere on Mt Albert campus on their campus loop, and peak time, morning and afternoon runs to Mt Albert train station and Pt Chev shops. Our recent staff travel survey revealed that 78% of our staff get to… Read more »

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