Koloa (Workshop Suite)

Koloa is a word shared among a few of the Polynesian countries. Here we refer to the Tongan use of the word as defined by Tongan Dictionary by C. Maxwell Churchward, Koloa means “goods, wealth, riches, possessions; what one values” (1959, 270).” In its broadest sense, Koloa here is a gift. In these five Koloa’s we have put together some exciting and fun stuff we hope will benefit all who will accept, cherish and share from and of it in the same spirit it is prepared and offered.

Koloa I: Understanding Pacific Epistemologies: Implications on Learning & Teaching

Target Audience: Teaching or support services staff who interface with students

Duration: 60-90 mins

Epistemology is made of two words Epistemknowledge and Logos – Word. Epistemology is the study of knowledge sometimes interchangeable with the theory of knowledge. This koloa is two pronged. It can be useful to understanding Pacific learners and also as a platform for action research within Unitec that contributes to continuous understanding/personal development and an opportunity for research publications particularly in the area of working with Pacific students via the use of Pacific Research styles

This koloa can support Koloa II Research as well as Koloa III and IV

Koloa is used predominantly in the Polynesian third of the Pacific Ocean to mean treasure or knowledge depending on context.

Koloa II: Pacific Research Workshop

Target Audience: Researchers

Duration: 60-90 mins

Building from the Understanding Pacific workshop this Koloa aims to equip participants with Pacific Research skills. It builds on Koloa I and goes into more detail on the Research methodologies touched on briefly. An overview of Pacific historians and contemporary frameworks.

This is a useful workshop for academics interested in understanding Pacific Research Methodologies Also ideal for those intending to do the Pacific Badges or as a refresher for those who have completed the Pacific badge

 Koloa III: Talanoa Forms & Formation

Target Audience: All staff

Duration: 60 mins

The Talanoa Forms and Formation builds on the Understanding Pacific Workshop and delves into the notion of talanoa both as a method and a methodology. Arguments & criticisms.

This is a useful workshop for those intending to do the Pacific Badges or as a refresher for those who have completed the Pacific badge

Koloa IV: Competency-Based Approaches and the Pacific Learner

Target Audience: Teaching staff

Duration: 60-90 mins

Research shows that majority of our Pacific learners are visual kinaesthetic learners and proposes effective use of competency based learning & assessment. This is a useful Koloa for those working with Pacific students to create methods of encouraging student participation involvement and learning. It builds on the notion that learning has to be rooted in a lived experience that is purposeful and meaningful

It can be useful koloa for those intending to do the Pacific Badges or as a refresher for those who have completed the Pacific badge

Koloa V: Language & Protocol

Target Audience: All staff

Duration: 60 mins

Building on the Introductions to Pacific Languages in the Understanding Pacific Workshop L&P takes a closer look at a couple of our Polynesian Micronesian and Melanesian languages and some of the protocols that help build our cultural appreciation and Intelligence. Activities will focus on learning phrases and important words related to pastoral care.

This is a useful workshop for those intending to do the Pacific Badges or as a refresher for those who have completed the Pacific badge