Education (Pastoral care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016

Code of Practice – Deferral of ADEP Requirement to 2022

Update June 2021

All Individual ADEP Plans for 2021, include a standard (required) goal to:

Complete an annual review to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the International & Domestic Student Codes of Practice

Work has been underway (Learning & Development partnering with Student Success) to develop an all staff online module to satisfy this ADEP Requirement. However, the recent Ministry of Education announcement regarding a new combined Code of Practice (due to be finalised in late 2021) has required us to rethink our current approach.

As such, the Executive Leadership team have approved the following recommendations:

  1. Defer the all staff ADEP requirement to complete an online CoP module until 2022
  2. Develop an interim resource to communicate and build awareness of staff obligations under the current Code of Practices.

What this means for you:

  1. You are no longer required to complete the ‘annual review’ to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the International & Domestic Student Codes of Practice for 2021
  2. Keep an eye out for an upcoming communication regarding the current Code of Practices (International and Domestic) which will refer you to a resource to help familiarise you with your obligations
  3. You will be required to complete an online module relating to the new combined Code of Practice next year. This requirement will be captured in your 2022 ADEP Plan.

Further information:

In the meantime, you can access information on the current codes here:

Or learn more about the proposed changes here:


Any questions regarding the change in ADEP requirement, please contact in the first instance.

For more information on how we support our students (and in doing so meet our Code obligations), please contact the relevant Student Support service.

When learners come to study in New Zealand, education providers have an important responsibility to ensure that those learners are well informed, safe and properly cared for.

To support this, the New Zealand government has developed the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016, latest amendment in 2019.

The Code of Practice outlines the legal requirements that an Education provider must have in place to ensure all reasonable steps are taken to protect international learners and that so far as is possible international learners have in New Zealand a positive experience that supports their educational achievement.

Unitec is a signatory to the Code and has obligations to international learners and their families to provide a level of care that meets the Code requirements and this can be supported by the following values.

  • Manaaki – “to take care of” our learners
  • Tautoko – “to support” our learners
  • Whakaae – “to realise” our learners goals
  • Awhi – “to embrace” our learners as individuals

All Unitec staff are required to complete an annual review of their knowledge and understanding of the Code of Practice.

As of 2020, this requirement is now embedded in the Achieve section of your ADEP Plan and applies to all staff, regardless of whether you are in direct contact with learners.


How to complete your Annual Review

  • Review the Code of Practice resources below

guidelines-code-of-practice-2019 Code-of-Practice-2019 


  • Complete the Code of Practice Moodle quiz  – You will be guided to use the self-enrol and please use the self-enrol password: Code
  • You must complete the final quiz at 80% or more to achieve your annual review (please feel free to do the practice quiz as many times as you need)
  • The completion of your annual review will be recorded in your learning summary module.

Moodle Access

You will need access to Moodle to complete the quiz.  All staff automatically have access to Moodle, however if you have not used it before you will need to obtain a Log-in – check out the Quick Start Guide for assistance

And you’re done!

Want to learn more?

There is also the opportunity to demonstrate your level of understanding of the Code and how this applies to your daily work and this is strongly recommended for teaching and front-line staff who have daily face to face contact with International learners.

Attend a workshop & complete the Quiz

Workshop learning outcomes will help you support not only our International Students but all our Students

  1. Understanding why the Code is important.
  2. Understanding how the Code works.
  3. Understanding what the Code means to Unitec
  4. Understanding what the Code means to Students
  5. Understanding how to demonstrate the Code.
  • Register for an individual or team workshop, read the resources and complete the Code of Practice Moodle quiz
  • Email the Learning and Development team @ with your request

Thank you for caring.