Wellbeing survey will contribute to your work-life balance

Complete the Wellbeing survey – share your input – and be in to win!

THe Mental Health Foundation says thta if you introduce these five simple strategies into your life, you will feel the benefits

The Wellbeing survey is an opportunity to contribute your feedback and thoughts re our wellness programme, flexible work arrangements, the Christmas closedown period and also sustainable travel. It takes just 15 minutes to complete and will shape a number of aspects that contribute to your work-life balance.

The survey will be used to develop our wellness programme in the future, which covers a range of initiatives including fitness, stress and mental health management, exploring our diverse cultures, as well as how we can potentially contribute to supporting healthier and more sustainable travel options. Your input will also be used to explore new ways of working in a post-COVID world, so we need to understand any benefits you gained while working from home and potentially bring in more flexibility going forward.

Please jump in now and share what’s important to you. I takes just 15 minutes to complete the survey.

As with our Pulse and engagement surveys, your feedback will remain confidential. The survey does ask you at the end to enter your name and contact information so you can go in a draw to win one of four prizes; two Fitbits and two $70.00 Subway vouchers – this data will be managed separately from the survey questions.

It’s important that we create a wellness programme that works for you and to support your work-life balance, so please take the time to complete the survey by Monday 6 July 2020.



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