We have a new Exercise Lab, and staff are invited to join

Last week Katie Bruffy shared an invitation for staff to join a new exercise space in B111.

A new teaching and exercise space for students and staff has opened in B111. The Exercise Lab will offer a limited number of memberships, for a gold coin a week, to Unitec staff to use the space as a gym.

Register your interest here>>

New exercise teaching space

Following the closure of Unitec Sports Centre in April after 25 years, the Sport, Recreation and Exercise teaching team devised a plan to relocate some of the gym equipment to create a new exercise teaching space upstairs in Building 111.

The primary purpose of The Exercise Lab is a teaching space for sport, recreation and exercise students, including those in the New Zealand Certificate in Exercise (Level 4), a new programme beginning in October 2022.

Check out this video where Wesley Verhoeff gives a tour of the space. 

You’re invited to become a member of The Exercise Lab

The Exercise Lab will also be open to a limited number Unitec staff to join at allocated hours that fit around teaching times.

Rules and criteria

  • There are 50 staff memberships available.
  • It costs $2 per week ($20 for 10 weeks paid in advance) to go to the gym! This is to purchase consumables.
  • All new members will be required to complete a membership form, sign a health and safety waiver, and participate in an initial induction in The Exercise Lab in order to use the facility. This is particularly important, as The Exercise Lab will not be supervised.
  • For member safety, only staff who sign up as members will be allowed to use the Lab, no exceptions.

How to register your interest in joining the Exercise Lab

  • Complete the form to register your interest in joining The Exercise Lab
  • Please contact Maja Zidov or Andrew Lenton for further information regarding staff memberships or about anything to do with the Lab.