Updated resources for making changes to teaching, learning and assessment during COVID-19

The Te Puna Ako and Te Korowai Kahurangi teams are the key resources for our teaching staff and the ‘go to’ for any help, support or advice as our academic staff work through adapting their courses for on-line teaching during level 4 and 3 ‘lockdown’. This period is even more challenging for teaching staff as in addition to their new working from home environment, they are also learning how to use new resources for teaching online, so we can ensure our students are still able to meet their study and career goals.

To provide clarity and direction on a number of learning and teaching parameters, including assessments, a dedicated Nest page has been created COVID-19 Teaching, learning and assessment page*.

The page outlines the four key guidelines to our academic response during COVID-19 and also provides details on making changes to teaching and assessment – the parameters and the various levels of notification required by Te Korowai Kahurangi. There are also additional resources to help you make the best decisions for your students learning.

Key guidelines

  • Students are at the centre of our decision making
  • Semester 1 and 2 dates will remain the same for 2020 at this current point in time. There will be some programmes, particularly those with internships and placements, where extensions to semester dates may be required or the delivery adapted. Where changes to delivery is required, these must be approved by Te Puna Ako, in collaboration with Te Korowai Kahurani, prior to any approval being granted
  • There will be no changes to course Learning Outcomes
  • Significant changes to assessments will require Te Korowai Kahurangi approval

Making changes to teaching and assessment

Go to the COVID-19 Teaching, learning and assessment page for details on our NZQA assessment requirements and at what point you need to advise Te Korowai Kahurangi.

Make sure you are familar with where to find this important resource and check back regularly

If you are teaching staff, please ensure you are familiar with the following pages and how to find them as they contain all the support requirements and parameters you’ll need – go to The Nest > Teaching & Research (hover over the the Teaching & Research name in the blue tabs banner), then from the drop down you can choose the COVID-19 – Teaching & Learning Support, Te Korowai Kahurangi – Academic Quality or Te Puna Ako.

Moodle update

Also refer to todays Te Puna Ako post – Moodle update: New resources and guidelines for online teaching>


*This new COVID page is separate from The Nest > Our Unitec > COVID-19 – Information and the latest updates page, which lists all recent staff and student communications, plus provides staff with all the relevant information with what they need to know to ensure they are looking after themselves, what to do if you feel unwell and links to the various official websites

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