Unitec website: Improvements to staff directory lookup

Our Marketing team is making improvements to the search and lookup functions of the staff directory on the external Unitec website.

Your details will remain the same (unless you update your staff directory details). These changes are focussed on adding a search lookup feature and updating how your listing is displayed.

Why the change?

The staff directory on the Unitec website doesn’t currently have a search feature.

The update will:

  • make it simpler and quicker to find a staff member’s listing
  • improve how your listing is displayed

The update will be active on the website on Thursday 1 September 2022.

Check out the new search feature on the staff directory

Visit the staff directory on the test (pre-live) website . If prompted use username: unitec  and password: carrington  .


Any feedback please contact marketing@unitec.ac.nz .

Update your details shown in the staff directory

The staff directory can be accessed at both Te Aka intranet and the public website.

As a reminder you can update your staff directory details through Te Aka.