Unitec Early Learning Centre changes

Unitec Early Learning Centre (UELC), based on our Mt Albert campus, will move out of our campus by the end of 2023.

The Early Learning Centre is an incorporated society that currently leases building 57 near Gate 4 and own buildings 58 and 137 (leasing the land those buildings sit on).

From around April next year, UELC will move out of B57 as unexpected significant issues have been discovered in the building, so it is no longer fit for purpose. They plan to continue to lease the land and operate from B58 and B137 for the remainder of 2023.

At the end of 2023, Unitec will require the land back to provide for our students and staff.

The Early Learning Centre is looking into their options for 2024 and into the future.

Any new tamariki joining UELC will be considered on a case-by-case basis and new parents will be well informed around the closure of these buildings.

Please contact  manager@uelc.org.nz if you have any queries.