Engaging in challenging and enjoyable activities together with our colleagues helps foster greater understanding, communication and problem-solving. Here are two great activities to try this month.
261 Fearless Club NZ is a weekly social running (and walking) group for women that has just launched at Unitec. The club is part of a non-profit global social running network creating a community of empowered women. 261 Fearless welcomes women of all ages and abilities. To take your first running steps, contact Anna Bassett for any questions, or more at: www.261fearless.org
Wednesdays, 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm. Meet outside Sports Centre (B174) Mt Albert Campus.
Head along to Unitec Social Club for fun evening pitting yourself against the clock.
Social Club – Minute to Win It is $5 or free for social club members. Email unitecsocialclub@unitec.ac.nz to register. More information here.
Wednesday 18 August, 4:00 pm – 7:00 at the Event Kitchen, Te Puna.