Performing and Screen Arts library books and journals now at Te Puna
At the end of 2021, the School of Performing and Screen Arts library (previously in B202) was moved and integrated into the Te Puna Library in B180. The majority of the collection is located on level 3
All books and journals are now shelved together, in one sequence (001-999) across the 3 levels
We have changed the location of journals so that they are shelved along side books with the same number in Dewey Decimal order. Roughly speaking they are located as follows:
Level 1 – (001-649): Automotive, Computing, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Early Childhood Education, Environment & Animal Sciences, Horticulture, English Language, Law, Philosophy, Town-planning/urban design
Level 2 – (650-726): Architecture (also on L3), Business, Landscape Architecture, Trades, Construction, General Arts,
Level 3 – (727-999): Architecture (also on L2), Creative Industries, Design, Graphic design, Photography, Performing Arts, History, Geography
Request Older Books
Many older books and journals are now located in our Storage room on Level 0 in the Basement. These items are available to borrow – if you know there is an item in Storage you need please request it via LibrarySearch , or if you would like to browse Storage please contact your Subject Librarian.
Performing Arts Film Collection – DVDs
‘Entertainment/movie’ dvds used by Performing Arts are now on level 3 of B180 in the quiet study area beside computers with dvd drives. Documentary dvds are interfiled with their subject areas like the journals as listed above. You can borrow the dvds and watch them off campus. See location on map.