Transformation Programme updates
The latest news and updates from our Transformation Programme is shared on our website. Recent highlights include: Have your say on the Updated Service Concepts: The opportunity to engage and provide feedback on our service concepts, which make up part of our Operating Model co-design work, has been extended to the end of July. The service concepts have been developed in response to the unmet needs of learners and employers and to test what is possible for the future experiences of learners and employers. They are not promises and do not cover the entire experience of all learners and employers. They are ideas that challenge the status quo and respond to research about the unmet needs of learners and employers. We welcome submissions, made either individually or as a group, if you are a group of people discussing these concepts together. You can view the Updated Service Concepts in the ‘Our Journey’ platform and submit your feedback there or send it to ourjourney@tepukenga.ac.nz.
Factors in Māori learners success highlighted: We have now published Te Rito – Insights from learners, which amplifies Māori learners’ voices about factors that enable their success in vocational learning. This report, the first of a series to come out of the Ākonga at the Centre research project tells us in the voices of learners what the opportunities are to ensure success. These reports will directly influence how the vocational learning sector will work alongside all but particularly Māori learners in the future. Learners have told us that having their voice heard as a learner, is exciting and they are optimistic about Te Pūkenga and the opportunity apprentices will also have to have a student voice. This Te Rito report gives voice to our Māori learners who have told us they want te ao Māori perspectives and mātauranga recognised. We heard the importance of early and whānau-centred support, relationships with staff and employers centred on whānau and manaaki centric principles. They shared their diverse motivations and measures of success. All learners have told us that the pathway into learning was an anxious time, but that early guidance, easy enrolment and meaningful early connections helped them build confidence. A copy of Te Rito can be downloaded here.
Following Kōtui Kōrero, Te Pūkenga is hosting a series of hui throughout July to connect with employers, industry representatives and Transitional Industry Training Organisation (TITO) staff. You are warmly invited to join us. These will be held in seven locations throughout the motu and via two online sessions. Warwick Quinn, Deputy Chief Executive Employer Journey and Experience, will provide an update on the mahi that Te Pūkenga is doing to understand the challenges that employers and learners have with the vocational education and training system and how these might be addressed. We will be inviting your feedback on a set of service concepts that will help Te Pūkenga to form its operating model. Further details including dates, venues and how to register can be found here. |