Kia ora koutou
On Monday 17 May we will be sending out the next edition of our network survey, Aromātai Kaimahi, to all fixed term and permanent staff across the network. This survey will be similar to the one you received in October last year and will help us track how our people are feeling about the transition. The survey is short and easy to complete and I encourage all staff to take part. It will help us understand how we’re tracking as we make our way through the journey ahead of us. I’d like to thank all of those who gave feedback on the seven service concepts through our online engagement platform Our Journey. The submissions, workshops and interviews have led to 1,300 lines of data from stakeholders across Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs), subsidiary staff, learners and employers. The team are working through the feedback now – it will help to refine our thinking about the operating model. Our network has incredible insight into the way vocational learning works in practice – we can’t lose that valuable knowledge as we go through this transition. People are what will make this change successful – the support of our whānau will help us to embrace this opportunity to build a system that works for everyone. That means Te Pūkenga needs to be a place people feel they can contribute and feel their contribution is valued. I’d like to also take this opportunity to acknowledge Merran Davis. Merran had been with us for eight months and in that time was a key driver of, and advocate for, transformational change in vocational education. I thank her for her hard work and wish her all the best. We have a highly experienced senior leadership team, supported by a growing team of staff who will continue to lead our important mahi. Heather Geddes will be Acting Director, Transformation and Transition while we make decisions on recruitment for the role. It’s a big job, and I know Heather will be well supported by her colleagues across the network and sector. Ngā mihi |
Kia ora koutou
Hei te Mane 17 o Mei ka tukua e mātou tētahi putanga anō o tā mātou uiui kōtuinga – Aromātai Kaimahi, ki te katoa o ngā kaimahi wā-maunga, kaimahi taumano hoki puta noa i te kōtuinga. He rite tonu tēnei uiui ki tērā i whiwhi ai koutou i te marama o Oketopa i tērā tau, ā, māna mātou e āwhina ki te rapu i ngā whakaaro o ō tātou tāngata e pā ana ki te whakawhitinga. He poto, he ngāwari noa te uiui nei hei whakaoti māu, ā, ka tāku e mea nei, kia kaha tonu koutou ki te whai wāhi mai. Māna anō e mārama ai mātou he pēhea ā mātou mahi i te taha o ō tātou whānau i runga i tēnei haerenga kei mua i a tātou. Me mihi tonu au ki a koutou katoa i tuku whakaaro mai mō ngā aria ratonga e whitu mā tā mātou pūhara whakaanga tuihono Our Journey. I hua mai i ngā tāpaetanga, ngā hui awheawhe me ngā uiui tōna 1,300 rārangi raraunga ma ii te hunga whaipānga puta noa i ngā Whakahaere Whakangungu Ahumahi Whakawhiti (ngā TITO), ngā kaimahi āpitihanga, ngā ākonga me ngā kaitukumahi. I tēnei wā tirotiro ana te tīma i ngā kōrero whakahoki – hei whakaniko anō i ō mātou whakaaro mō te tauira whakahaere. He kaha tonu te māramatanga kei tā mātou kōtuinga ki te whakamahia o te mātauranga ahumahinga – me kaua tātou e tuku i ērā māramatanga rangatira kia ngaro i tēnei whakawhitinga. Mā ngā tāngata tonu e tutuki pai ai tēnei panonitanga – mā te tautoko mai o ngā whānau e āwhina i a tātou ki hāpai i tēnei kaupapa hei waihanga pūnaha whaikiko mā te hunga kāore ō rātou ihu i puta i ngā wā o muri. Nā konā me noho a Te Pūkenga hei wāhi e whakamanahia ai te tangata, e whakanuia ai hoki tōna whai koha. I tēnei wā me tuku mihi anō au ki a Merran Davis. E waru marama a Merran i konei e mahi ana, ā, me tōna ngākaunui ki te para huarahi e whakaumutia ai te mātauranga ahumahinga. Nei rā te mihi nui ki a ia mō āna mahi rangatira. He tīma tautōhito tā mātou tīma kaiarataki, e whai tautoko mai ana i ngā kaimahi, e tipu haere nei, ā, mā tēnei tīma anō ā mātou mahi whakahirahira e arataki, ka riro mā Heather Geddes te tūranga Whakaumutanga me te Whakawhitinga e kawe mō tēnei wā, i a mātou e whiriwhiri nei te tukanga kimi tangata hou mō te tūranga. Tūturu, he mahi nui, ā, mōhio tonu au ka tautokohia a Heather e ōna hoamahi puta noa i te kōtuinga me te rāngai. Ngā mihi |
Transformation programme updates
The latest news and updates from our Transformation Programme is shared on our website. Recent highlights include:
Staff survey:
Aromātai Kaimahi, our network survey, will run again in May 2021. The survey will capture what our people across the network think and feel about the transition and the work done to date.Over time, we will be able to compare the survey results to get a sense of how Te Pūkenga is tracking. The first of these surveys took place in October 2020.
All permanent and fixed-term staff across the subsidiaries will receive an email Monday 17 May with a personalized link to the survey. The survey will be open until 5pm Friday 28 May.
Staff from Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs) will be able to take part in the near future, if and when their organisation transfers to the work-based subsidiary.
Aromātai Kaimahi results will be available in July and will focus on themes and trends across the network. Results will also be available at the subsidiary level.
Korero with Te Pūkenga:
As part of our ongoing commitment to engage with the sector, learners and employers, we are very excited to be heading out across the motu with a mid-year in-person update beginning in June.
These updates will provide an opportunity for many of you to connect directly with Te Pūkenga leadership and to hear about the work to date, what’s next and provide your feedback.
Over a four week period the Executive Leadership Team will be travelling across Aotearoa to host updates in a number of towns and cities. The roadshow will begin immediately after Queen’s Birthday weekend and all sessions will be open to anyone who would like to attend.
During these updates we will share more detail on our mahi to date, including the development of the operating model, and speak to what’s coming next. In addition to our main updates, the team will host specific updates and sessions on a range of topics, such as Academic Regulations and updates for local employers.
We recognise that each local date won’t suit everyone. We will run two online sessions which anyone will be welcome to join (details in the next edition of Ngā Taipitopito) and a recording from an early session will be made available on our website.
The calendar of dates and locations is currently being confirmed and will be shared on our website shortly.
Operating model:
Thanks to everyone who provided feedback recently on the seven draft service concepts. The concepts were designed to test what was possible in future experiences for learners and employers and explore how we could challenge the status quo and respond to an unmet need.
In addition to over 300 pieces of feedback shared on the Our Journey platform, over 30 interviews and workshops were conducted to ensure a range of voices were shared and able to be heard. The team is now using all this feedback to progress with the development of the operating model conceptual design. This is being done in partnership with our co-design team, who met for their fourth hui this week and have a final time together in the last week of May.
The operating model conceptual design will be shared with Te Pūkenga Executive Leadership Team and our Council at the end of the month, before being shared publicly during the mid-year face-to-face updates across the motu.
You can be reminded of the operating model project timeline here.